(ThyBlackMan.com) If anyone questions whether collectively America is a sexist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, white supremacy-leaning nation—they need to look no further than the election of Donald Trump as President over Kamala Harris, and the racist text messages sent to African Americans across the nation after the election telling them to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump Did Not Win the Presidential Election. Now that I have your attention. Donald Trump really did not win the presidential election earlier this week.  The American people won the presidential election. Donald Trump simply served as the vessel and the vehicle for those whose voices had been ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Vice President ran a beautiful campaign.  She worked like a trojan, traveling from city to city, sometimes as many as three or four in a day.  She did interviews, town halls, television shows and one on one interviews with both national and local media.  In a scant one hundred ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I lied to my son. As if the election result cementing Donald Trump as our next President again wasn’t enough of a punch to the face, a conversation with my 11-year son on Wednesday was the gut punch that dropped me to the canvas. After returning home from school, flabbergasted as ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Shaun King has become a household name in social justice activism, particularly in the realm of Black Lives Matter and advocacy against police violence. With a significant following on social media, he’s known for amplifying cases of racial injustice, directing attention to stories often overlooked by mainstream media, and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I was on a Black Women’s organizing call the other week, when one of the leaders challenged each of us to reach out to ten people to encourage them to vote.  I don’t know a soul in my close circle who does not vote, and I don’t seek out ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) They say politics makes for strange bedfellows meaning the quest for power often unites the most disparate and unlikely individuals and groups as allies in their quest for power. Total opposites, antagonists and others find themselves linked in pursuit of their goals for power. We are seeing this play ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, two of the nation’s most venerable and well-respected newspapers, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, decided not to endorse a candidate in this year’s presidential election. Those decisions have been largely met with derision and disappointment, primarily because the assumption is that the papers’ owners are ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black Americans do not have a working and genuine press corp of people dedicated, to helping Black Americans navigate a majority white nation. To some extent, this is purposeful, as the white controlling majority benefits from an ill-informed black electorate. In a majority white society where, black own businesses ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) With just days to go until Nov, 5, we have officially entered the final stretch of the election. The heat is on, the candidates are feeling the pinch, and the rhetoric we see on our TVs and in our feeds is starting to go off the rails. Case in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Back in 2011, then-President Barack Obama delivered a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, which had become increasingly critical of him in his second term. In particular, the CBC was urging the president to do more for African Americans, whose unemployment level stood at nearly 17%.  At the end ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last week, we shared our thoughts in a piece called “The Fall of Barack Hussein Obama” and addressed his desperation to preserve his leftist legacy. That same desperation is what we see now in Vice President Kamala Harris’s flailing campaign. It was not too long ago that everyone was calling ...