(ThyBlackMan.com) Anyone who has not been living under a rock throughout their lifetime and has the ability to interpret history in an honest manner should be able to understand that the chronic and egregious effects of discrimination and greed have always been at the forefront of most of society’s problems. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Our right to free expression is unquestionably the most significant of all of the liberties that we hold most dear. It is the foundation of every right that we enjoy as Americans and is the reason why society exists in its current form as well as the reason why ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Politics in America is quite confusing and grimy to say the least. There is so much red tape, false promises, and flat out lies that it is difficult to decide who will act in your best interest. It is no secret that African-Americans, in large number tend to lean ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Let it sit. Stew in it for a few more minutes. Repeat. Stop paying non-staff church musicians! I don’t expect people who care about this topic to agree with me. In fact I expect to meet with a lot of resistance, if not outright hatred. But I’m not joking, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black men are showing signs of dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party agenda for the midterm election and beyond. The problem first came to light in Stacey Abrams’ campaign for governor of Georgia but is evident in places like New York City under Mayor Eric Adams as well. The concern ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Yes, you heard it and read it right and there is no mistake in this valid statement proving that a people that owns all their business in their communities will control their destiny and the generational wealth for their family members, friends and their community. If you are a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me start off first by saying: “Crime in Black America has a direct co-relation and it is very proportionate to poverty, unemployment, lack of education and the most important of all “Fatherless homes”. Yes, the aforementioned are the reason why every democratic control city and state were the ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Today it’s time to exposed the child support system for what it is, not for what it said it was. Any time any program, agency or system seems to be promoted as a great thing without the other side being exposed, watch out! The very system they say was ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the major stories of 2022 that has made global headlines is the death of Elizabeth II, at 96 years old after seven decades of ruling England. There were several sporting events in Britain that were called off following her death and her funeral drew millions and millions ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Because President Biden lies about our Job Rates, saying his 3.5% rate for September, is comprehensive of our Job Situation; that does not mean the real Job Rate of 6.7% “magically disappears,” along with a black unemployment rate, 5-6% higher over the real rate, at 11.7%, and rising faster ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) People who engage in conflict make snap judgments and choose to sue. Negotiation and compromise are frequently used to resolve incidents, including vehicle accidents, injuries, family troubles, or financial difficulties. Keeping in mind that civil cases involve financial compensation, which may or may not resolve the underlying dispute, is ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A wrongful death happens by the death of a person due to the carelessness of another individual or organization. In such a situation, the surviving family members have the lawful right to initiate a wrongful death lawsuit against the individual at blame to receive compensation for their loss. Unbelievably ...
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