How To Grow Hong Kong Orchid Tree From Seed.

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( Propagating orchids today is no longer too difficult for growers. You can propagate orchids by seeding, false stem, branching, and tissue transplant to suit the conditions and status of your orchid garden the most. If you choose to plant seeds, here are the important steps that will work for you.

In this article, we will show you how to grow hong kong orchid tree from seed. Let’s read it!

What Is Hong Kong Orchid Tree?

Hong Kong orchid tree is an evergreen, light-loving, sun-loving woody plant. The leaves are large and thick, similar to a heart or butterfly shape, measuring approximately (7-10cm) X (10-13cm) long x width. Flowers are purplish red, similar to orchids, fragrant, and about 10-26 cm in size.

Flowers bloom from late winter to late spring next year. These plants are also known as sterile plants due to their inability to produce seeds.

This interesting thing is still the mystery of this orchid tree that many scientists still have a headache from because of its birth. Many sources believe this is a tree intentionally created by humans, chosen again. 

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

How To Grow Hong Kong Orchid Tree From Seed

With hong kong orchid tree benefits, many gardeners enjoy growing them. Here are the steps to grow orchids from seeds.

From 1 week to 6 months after sowing the seeds in the bottle, the seeds will germinate, depending on the orchid variety will have a different germination time. 

When the seeds germinate, they can pass on a new nutrient with the same additional composition as the original. When the orchid sprouts buds and roots, the plant is mature enough; you can bring it outside.

The method of sowing green seeds in the laboratory is similar to that of non-fungal germination. But it is beneficial to use green seeds so the seeds inside are not infected with pathogens like ripe fruit. 

Alternatively, the pods can be disinfected with a strong solution, but the seeds inside are unaffected. The pods were separated using a sterilized instrument in a sterile planter. At this time, orchid seeds are sown directly without disinfecting again.

It would be best to sow orchid seeds as soon as they are removed from the fruit; they can not be kept for long because it is easy to lose the ability to germinate.

Hong Kong Orchid Tree Care


For each different type of orchid, there is a different temperature to grow. On average, a temperature of 16 to 24 degrees Celsius is the best for orchids to grow. Moderate temperatures and a little air circulation will help your orchid grow, producing large and beautiful flowers.

  • Group of tropical orchids: Suitable temperature for growing this orchid is 22 to 40 degrees Celsius during the day, not less than 18.5 degrees Celsius at night.
  • Group of orchids in cold temperate regions: Daytime temperature is not more than 14 degrees Celsius, and nighttime is not more than 13 degrees Celsius. This orchid usually lives in areas with cold weather, high mountains, and low temperatures all year round.


Orchid is a species that likes sunlight but not too harsh and likes light but not direct light. Growing orchids should be near a south or east window. The light in the West is too strong and requires a net to cover. In the North direction, the light is not enough for the plant to grow.

Normally, if you grow many orchids, you should learn about each type of orchid to adjust the light accordingly. If growing outdoors, a hanging system should be combined with a shade net to reduce intense sunlight, or planting under a large tree is appropriate.

How to Water

Depending on the season, climate, and humidity, the growing medium to calculate when to water. Water more in summer, less water in winter. Watering time from 8 am to 10 am is appropriate. 

In the evening, watering should be limited because the humidity is high at night, and there is no sunlight, so it is easy to develop pests and fungi that are harmful to orchids.


How Often Does A Hong Kong Orchid Tree Bloom?

Hong Kong Orchid Trees are covered with numerous orchid-like flowers that emit a wonderful aroma into the surrounding air. The up to 6-inch wide, vivid magenta flowers are typically observed from November through May, but they can appear anytime.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For A Hong Kong Orchid Tree?

If you ask how many types of fertilizer for orchids, there are many ways to classify fertilizer. Specifically, a few ways to divide fertilizers for orchids are as follows:

  • Divided according to the ability to provide nutrients: NPK fertilizers, micronutrient fertilizers, vitamins
  • Divided by solubility and added nutrients: Slow-dissolving fertilizer, Controlled slow-dissolving fertilizer
  • Divide by position of fertilizer for orchids: Foliar fertilizer, Root fertilizer
  • Divided by the purpose of use: Root stimulant fertilizer, germ stimulator fertilizer – bud, flower stimulant – flower conditioner.

What Is The Lifespan Of An Orchid Tree?

Orchids can live for years and even decades with proper care. The life cycle of an orchid includes an initial flowering period (usually in the fall), a dormant period, and a recovery period. If the orchid is fully cared for, it will give beautiful flowers and play for a long time.


This article has shown you how to grow hong kong orchid tree from seed. We hope that you can develop a beautiful hong kong orchid at home with these tips and care instructions. Follow us for more gardening tips!

Staff Writer; Harry Carter