(ThyBlackMan.com) Central to the idea of the American Dream, Puritan/Protestant work ethic, and Manifest Destiny  lies the belief that Americans all have an equal opportunity to generate the kind of wealth that brings meaning to the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” It was boldly penned in the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In the hushed corners of our society, a sinister industry flourishes, largely hidden and unspoken of. It’s an issue so shocking and perplexing that people tend to ignore it when brought to light. This is the pandemic of sex trafficking and child sex trafficking. One might presume that in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Lots of people all over the world develop a deep emotional bond with their cars and, in fact, this is a very normal behavior. We humans strive to identify ourselves with anyone or anything that we have a connection with such as family, friends, pets, a favorite bag, smartphone, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If things don’t add up, it makes sense to see if something has been left out of the equation. That’s the case today. The experts tell us that the economy is as good as it has been in decades – unemployment at record lows, inflation under control, wages finally ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Gold bullions have dazzled and captivated the human imagination for millennia. The glint of gold transcends borders and generations, representing wealth, power, and status. But what makes this metal so valuable? What is its significance? This article looks closer at the enigmatic allure of bullions made of this magnificent ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) All I can tell you is what this man is factually, and truthfully doing to us economically, as a race of people. If what we say here is not the truth – then Biden and his administration should say it is not so, and not do it through surrogates. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Americans can have short memories at critical moments. Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville is not only aware of this key fact, but he governs by it. The U.S. senator from Alabama is obviously counting on the apathy and short memories of the voters from his state as he celebrates the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When you think of the countless memories captured through the lens, the importance of photographs becomes undeniable. But, as the changes of cameras over the years have led to an astronomical increase in the number of photos we take, managing and organizing these captured moments can become a daunting ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) As I read about Senator Tim Scott’s nascent presidential run, I thought about the solitary place in which Black Republicans often find themselves. I say “place” rather than “places” because I’m not referring to physical location; people can feel alone even in a crowded room. For a variety of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I could begin speaking on the issues surrounding Essence Festival by talking about Essence, why its important to the culture, and what it means to New Orleans. However, I don’t think that will drive home the problem Essence is facing in dealing with New Orleans. Essence is making the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Days ago, Pro Football Hall of Famer Barry Sanders celebrated his 55th birthday. One of the most fascinating and entertaining professional athletes of all-time, former Detroit Lion Barry Sanders’s elusive running style and jaw-dropping juke moves endeared him to sports fans in Detroit and across the world. Barry Sanders’s ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Americans have always, in equal measure, been more than willing to tear down somebody’s reputation as they have been to applaud a good comeback story. Take one of the country’s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, whose political career was riddled with high-profile ups and downs – from election losses and public ...