(ThyBlackMan.com) If you are wondering whether you should live with your significant other before marriage, you should click here to learn some advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone understands how valuable it is to find someone that genuinely appreciates your presence. If you’re together with someone that can’t take their eyes ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The other day I was speaking with a friend of mine. She is a highly intelligent and articulate black educator who is single, never been married, and has no children. In the course of our conversation the topic of relationships presented itself. On many occasions she’s asked my opinion ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Keeping your life partner happy is not a rocket science. There are many simple tricks to make your spouse happy and show him/her how much you love. Many of today’s couples complain about their partner’s many shortcomings. Don’t be one of them when you can keep him/her happy by simply ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Being a black man in America is not for the weak, in fact, I can’t think of another group of men that would be able to withstand the torment that we face daily. Let’s see, where shall we begin? First of all, many of us are born into this ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) All around you there are beautiful women. Desperate women who are too broke to pay attention or who have low self-esteem. Women who are willing to sleep with you after 1 dinner, after an intimate phone conversation or even after a little social media sexting. Brothers beware. And while ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As the affluent, educated, and outwardly intelligent social hierarchy of Black America proceeds so goes the Black community in general. However, although one may be highly educated in the educational system, or mis-educated according to Dr. Carter G. Woodson, one can still be a dependent or controlled thinker. Obtaining ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The African-American community is a complex map of dysfunction, bitterness, and blatant negativity. Many times the outside world is curious as to why black people are so screwed up. What’s also sad is that you see so much emphasizing about how black mothers are destroying their sons, but never ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It is understandable that we need air to breathe, and food to sustain strength. As a people more of us are coming to understand we need to address mental health and begin the process of healing from past pain to move forward in a safe healthy manner. More black ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Hypocrisy is such an ugly state of mind and being. It inflicts known harm in spaces whereby there should be love, compassion, grace, and mercy. You see, everyone wants these things for themselves, and some demand it, while offering absolutely none to others. There is plenty of discussion about ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For some reason, I have been having conversations with a trusted friend regarding what he terms “cultural constructs”; a fancy way of saying how black men view themselves. As is so often the case with such matters, God placed the perfect example of this malady in front of me to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Parents set limits for their children and most of the time, it’s for the child’s better future. We want our kids to follow a certain path in life, and most importantly, we want them to become better and more successful than us. We rarely let them see our vulnerabilities and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m convinced that the white people that run this country don’t want black men and black women to come together in unity. It wasn’t just something seen on the plantation…it has always been. I can’t count how many times I’ve been told black men hate black women. I should ...
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