(ThyBlackMan.com) Having effective family discussions can be challenging, especially when your family has never participated in any open conversations. Discussions in which everyone can share their thoughts, listen to each other and conclude the discussion in a positive tone. No matter what type of family you have, there’s always a room ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Every day many of us older adults shake our heads as we watch young people follow the crowd, think in groups and act or react with little or no individuality. Many of us assume it is because they have not grown into their identity – and that is likely ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What are the things a father should teach his son? The answer is – everything that makes him a real man. Unless you are a weak coward man, you should teach everything to your son or at least guide him on how to do things. If you don’t, he is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We as women must make a simple decision are we, or are we not, bitches and whores. I totally agree with the concept that Black men ought not call us such things, and they should respect Black women. Having gotten that out the way I do feel it’s time ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The legal system, when dealing with men color, is like a rabid dog that will chase you down if you run. And justice? Well let’s just say it is almost never equal, seldom fair and often very biased. All the more reasons not to run from the judicial system ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Chiraq also known as Chicago has become the hotbed capital of murder, rape, shooting of the innocent and guilty children of the African American community. Chicago has become and is the most violent city in the State of Illinois and in the entire of nation. Indeed, the areas in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A woman is strong as much as a man is, but when she finds a man who empowers her, she becomes stronger. And if she is your wife then she deserves more empowerment. The internet is filled with silly questions and answers on how to protect your wife or ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Love is a complex emotion. It changes the way we see reality as the feeling of love triggers so many chemicals in the brain. Neurology presents evidence suggesting how ‘the love hormone’ can lower anxiety and stress. Contrary to this, smothering your loved one with too much affection actually ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When it comes to your relationships with others or someone special, how many times do you ask – “should I go away or should I stay?” It’s easy to stay no matter how many times you’ve been taken for granted, hurt, or had your needs disrespected. Sometimes we carry a ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I must first announce that what I’m about to say is not about ALL of my Sisters, but some of them. And out of that “some”, to me it is TOO MANY of them. The time is moving forward and it seems as though we are falling behind with ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you know what I was doing recently? I was remembering my conversation with people. I was scrolling through the messages I sent when someone asked me how I am doing. I observed that whenever someone asks me this question, I respond to nearly everyone with “I am fine.” I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) No one wants to be called an “attention seeker” but when we know that someone we love a lot is an excessive drama addict, we realize that something must be done. Attention seeking is not about getting attention, it is more about getting the control. This is obviously not a ...