(ThyBlackMan.com)  (**)  Is there a point to remaking an older movie if you aren’t going to make it better? Or is it just an easy way out for filmmakers adverse to creating something new? Director/producer Doug Liman has an impressive filmography that’s marked by innovative films that started their own ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) (**)  Godzilla and King Kong use to have a beef. Now that they’ve kissed and made up, there’s no real meat in this generic big creature smackdown. Also, any production involving Godzilla or Kong now stands in the shadow of the Oscar-winning Godzilla Minus One. There’s no excuses anymore. If ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I listened to every word of the United States Supreme Court Hearing in the past few days. My mind went back to years ago when people seeking justice would say the words “We will take this to the Supreme Court” because we truly believed we would receive some measure of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Many have a big problem conceiving God, but God does not have a problem defining man. Nowhere in the realm of intelligent, conclusive conceptions, not in religion, not in philosophy, and certainly not in science, is there a wholly acceptable and compelling definition of Almighty God. Maybe that is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last month, NBC News Group chairman Cesar Conde hired – then speedily fired – Ronna McDaniel as a political commentator. McDaniel is the immediate past chairperson of the Republican National Committee. Understandably, Conde desires to have a news organization that offers disparate voices. However, NBC’s marquee personalities vociferously objected ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) (**1/2)  Watching people beg and fight for equal access and dignity is sobering. But that’s what happened in the ‘50s before the anger and upheaval of the ‘60s civil rights movements. Gaining equality wasn’t easy back then. Life in small town Del Rio, Texas in 1955 is a microcosm ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Joe Biden’s presidency has no theme. He has been less a leader and more a human weathervane who shifts daily with the political winds. Everything is driven by ulterior political motives to court popularity and to win reelection—even setting aside a seat on the United States Supreme Court for ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One time a famous bishop got up in the pulpit in London and famously declared, “God is no daddy in the sky” or words to that effect and caused a tsunami of criticism to fall on his irreverent head. The bishop was perhaps one of those people who thinks ...