(ThyBlackMan.com) Ladies and gentlemen, something very strange is happening right now in Ferguson, MO. The Constitutional rights of American citizens are being violated. Journalists are deliberately being herded like cattle away from certain people and certain places in Ferguson. Police officers fully dressed in riot gear and shields are openly ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The tech and investor mania is cranking up again! Leafly.com (think AngiesList plus marijuana stores) recently closed $50MM in investment capital. Another fly-by-night app, YO (an app the pulls your contacts and merely text them, you guessed it, ‘Yo!’) recently closed $1.5MM in VC money. So whether you are ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A trade show is your big chance to show off your newest innovations to industry insiders, potential clients, and the competition. The most important thing to remember about a trade show is that presentation is just as important as the product you are selling. If you want to really ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Outside of your own wallet, one of the most common places you and other entrepreneurs can go to get funding are people close to you. Your family and friends can provide a fast, bureaucracy free way of getting money for your business. In this article we will cover four ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) By 1986, the noted King of Pop, Michael Jackson was fresh off of the release of two commercial and critically acclaimed albums and enjoying his life as a global icon minus the rumors that were spreading about his personal life. Jackson set the goal for his next album, Bad,  to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Do not allow to slip away from you freedoms the people who came before you won with such hard knocks.  ~David Herbert Lawrence It has been said that American slaves were not ready for freedom.  Hum? With a hint of sarcasm, I can’t help but wonder why people forced and kept ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  These last few weeks have been quite the battle! Spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. I’ve dealt with so many shifts in my life throughout the year. I’ve had to ask and answer some very difficult questions regarding my own spiritual practice. I grew up in the Christian faith… I attended ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This post can be considered a continuation of my post, ‘Black Problems’ only because of the alarming amount of single parent households in the community, as well as the way those in abject poverty hustle, or make their money. *I cannot speak on any other culture, because I am ...