(ThyBlackMan.com) In the midst of chaos and confusion, there is opportunity!
Donald Trump has been in office for just a week and yet extreme radical liberal Democrats have lost their minds, especially Black ones.
Derrick Johnson head of the extreme radical liberal NAACP, Marc Morial, head of the extreme radical liberal National Urban League, Alfred Sharpton, head of the extreme radical liberal National Action Network, Yvette Clarke, head of the extreme radical liberal Congressional Black Caucus, Samantha Tweedy, head of the extreme radical liberal Black Economic Alliance, Ken Lemon, head of the extreme radical liberal National Association of Black Journalists have showed that they are totally incapable of providing the proper leadership necessary to lead the Black community into a very uncertain twenty first century.
All the above extreme radical liberal Black groups and individuals very vocally supported Kamala Harris and the Democrats during last year’s elections. Now mind you that these groups are all supposed to be non-partisan, without evidence. They will sprinkle their boards with at least one “nominal” Black Republican for political cover.
But trust and believe that these are all extreme radical liberal Democrat groups, with nothing to show for their sycophantic loyalty to the Democrat Party.
They all put their eggs in the Harris basket and now must be made to pay the price. They have all gone apoplectic over Trump’s ending DEI and affirmative action.
What I find astonishing about these groups is that they publicly concede that Blacks are not the primary beneficiary of these programs; it is white middle-class women. So how can they argue that getting rid of these programs will devastate the Black community if they have already conceded that white women are the biggest beneficiary?
So, would not the facts lead one to say that getting rid of these programs would devastate middle class white women, those who need preference programs the least? Not Blacks.
Therein lies the reason the white media and liberal white politicians have hand picked these Blacks to be the “self-identified” leaders of the Black community. They are totally out of touch with the very people they claim to represent.
Liberals know they can control these people and their organizations and used them to justify their perverted agenda that they want to unleash on the Black community.
How and when did Blacks become people of color? How and when did homosexuality become the leading issue within the Black community? How and when did amnesty for illegals at the expense of American citizens become a priority in the Black community?
I want to challenge my readers to name me one problem that any of these groups have ever solved over the past fifty years. Name me one!
These groups and their leadership have created a whole ecosystem built around never solving any problems affecting the Black community.
Many Blacks who are in the middle class have risen to this income strata because their livelihood is predicated on problems never being solved.
I was once told that the sign of a great teacher is one who makes himself increasing unnecessary.
I submit to you that these “media appointed” leaders are unnecessary not because they have empowered those they claim to represent to not need them anymore; but rather they are unnecessary because those they claim to represent is still not independent of them and their government programs.
These faux leaders still being willing to die on the hill of “diversity” when the courts have spoken is like telling a pregnant women that she can become less pregnant.
When the Supreme Court banned affirmative action two years ago, they basically said that you can no longer take an airplane to Los Angeles from D.C. You still can take a train, bus, car, bike or walk; but an airplane is impermissible.
A rational person might get angry at the inconvenience of not being able to fly to Los Angeles, but eventually they will accept the reality of the court’s decision.
But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not these bought and paid for extreme radical liberal media appointed Black leaders.
They still demand to be able to fly to Los Angeles and if they are not allowed to then the courts and the “system” is racist and discriminatory towards Blacks.
They are the ones who co-signed on the plans shoved on them by radical white liberals to dilute affirmative action. The program went from focusing on Blacks only because of slavery to white middle class women, to “people of color” to homosexuals to transexuals, to the disabled, to Alaskan natives to people under six feet tall to people from Afghanistan, I think you get my point.
Like trying to convince a girl she can become less pregnant, telling Black folks we can go back to the days of affirmative action is a total waste of time and is a meta-physical impossibility!!!
Since the courts and Donald Trump have declared DEI and affirmative action are dead; since a pregnant women cannot become less pregnant; it is time these extreme radical liberal Democrat Blacks to finally deliver a solution to the Black community by increasingly becoming unnecessary.
Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson
This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org. You can follow Raynard on Twitter; RealRaynardJ; on Gettr: RaynardJackson.
White liberal society (and it’s black well paid mouthpiece minions) have brainwashed us for years to believe that we’re victims and can only be saved by Mister Charlie’s benevolence. They pass us through schools without holding us to the same educational standards to be able to compete in the marketplace because they have low expectations of us and basically let us know that on the regular. Let’s start there. If we’re given equality of opportunity and work hard with the opportunities given we can thrive as a community.
Hello Reyard: I hope you are doing well. We are having great success with our threat identification and intelligent evacuation technology. I enjoyed reading your article. So, as a white, old, conservative, male according to the groups you referenced I have no say, especially regarding the black community. This is by design because liberal politicians and groups your referenced exists to repress the black community and feed from their despair. From my perspective to suggest a black or person of color cannon succeed without the white handout is as racists. I do believe the black community needs help, but it is not the black person that needs help it is the social chains instituted by the parties above. Address the single mom families, place priorities and opportunities toward the benefits of instead of educational distain. There are lots that can and needs to be done but until we can stop the predators from focusing and feeding on the person and focus on societal needs, I see nothing getting better. The predators are so talented at teaching people they are victim, instead of winners. Getting rid of DEI and policies of low expectations, is a good start.
Raynard, sorry for the butchering of your name.
I read your columns with morbid fascination about black liberals with any references to “why” your agenda for black folks and the nation is any better? I have watched you and read your articles and in the very few instances that you refer to any public policy by the Republicans that would benefit Black folks, you jump back in the rabbit hole of MAGA infested talking points. Donald Trump doesn’t like or want Black and Brown folks in his sphere. I watched as all of gathered when he was in his motorcade at the Republican convention pass right pass you all, not a stop, not a wave to acknowledge your presences. If you want to give black folks, all folks of color a agenda about how you all can help us, then do so. 2025 agenda is pushing us back to a Jim Crow mentality and mindset, as said by one of your boys, Donalds. As he has said it was taken out of context, he should never had mention Jim Crow in any sentence he offered that day in Philly. Stop trying to pull us all down to appease,” Mr. Charlie”, you and yours can do better. If you can’t then say so. Instead of attacking Dems or Independence’s that are trying to help us all.
Thank you very much Mr. Jordan for calling a spade a spade.
Senator Richard Russell of Georgia , a fine example of a helpful Democrat stated:
“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”
That’s the kind of help the Democrats have provided for the last 60-years… How’s that worked out? Rhetorical question; the fact that we are having this discussion is clear evidence it has worked exactly as planned for the Democrats… “Just enough to keep the black man quiet, but not enough to make a difference.” Observation here, if it has not worked for the previous 60-years, how much longer you stay on that path?
Lyndon B. Johnson, took the Senators comment to heart. I will not post his offensive quote, but to paraphrase; blacks “…will be voting for Democrat for 200 years.” Look to the positive, only 140 years to go.