Why Listening to Political Advice from Taylor Swift and D.L. Hughley Is a Huge Mistake.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In Memphis, my homeboys use a lot of words to describe folks. Two of these words are snake, and snaking. A snake is someone who will for no reason try and hurt you (Snake you). They are two-faced and will go behind your back to try to make themselves look innocent.

In slang, “snake” typically refers to a person who is deceitful, untrustworthy, or sneaky. It describes someone who betrays others, often in a secretive or manipulative way. Being called a “snake” implies that the person is backstabbing, or disloyal. For the record, I trying to stay distant from snaking azz cats.

Why Listening to Political Advice from Taylor Swift and D.L. Hughley Is a Huge Mistake.

The celebrity world is full of snakes too. For the life of me I cannot figure out why folk would take any advice, let alone political advice from the likes of Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, or a D.L Hughley.

Maybe because I’m a black man in my 60s, I’ve never heard a song or seen a movie of anyone that would sway my vote. In fact I’m turning against entertainers who preach partisan politics. Swift is in her thirties, is not married, has no kids, no telling how many ex-boyfriends or cats, and is the perfect liberal female. Taylor Swift is an empty vessel and her music is about how she makes bad decisions about people. She is still 16, and has never grown up, her opinion means nothing. She is a singer. A musician. She’s welcome to her vote. But not to ours. Maybe she need to fight climate change more with her personal Jet. No one over the age of 13 should care what Taylor Swift says.

Many admire Taylor Swift’s music but I don’t think most Americans whether they like her music or are fans of hers or not are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and the problems of most Americans.

Taylor is part of the machine on the entertainment side. They tell her to jump, she says how high. When grocery prices go up by 20% it hurts most Americans it doesn’t hurt Taylor Swift. When housing prices become unaffordable it doesn’t affect Taylor Swift or any other billionaire. However, it does affect middle class Americans all over our country. This girl does nothing but write songs about the same bad decisions she makes. Why would anyone listen to her?

D.L Hughley is another bothered cat. He has the right to his views, just like everyone else. However, down low, Hughley acts like the unelected representative of black people. Malcolm X warned us about these entertainer’s, comedian’s, and athlete’s being propped up by “them folks” as our leader’s but is really controlled opposition. His recent attack of Janet Jackson is unwarranted. All she said was:

“She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian.”

Janet Jackson owe no explanation because she should have never been asked about politics in the first place. If you don’t value a person’s opinion or want to know their opinion then you sure as hell shouldn’t ask them.

I’d listen to Janet Jackson before DL Hughley. He comes across as someone that’s willing to do anything for money or position. First Jamaican is not a race. Even her father does not claim to be black, he states that he is Irish and South Asian. South Asians often have dark skin and this does not make them black. Her father is Brahman which is East Indian and Caucasian (Irish). East Indians can be darker than you. I wonder if Harris would have Identified as Black during slavery or the slave trades/wars? I doubt it.

So, here is my question and the question we should all be asking, why do they want her to be “black” so bad? Do they need our buy in to the illusion, so they can later blame us for doing it to ourselves? As they have done in the past. They never put a “real” black person out front. Meaning a black person that has been living the life, having the experiences, living in the culture and born of a black woman. Also, why are we listening to Hollywood people anyway? They are working together with the media, politicians, and corporations. They are all part of the same system. There is NO retirement plan for gatekeepers. When the system is done with them they will throw all of them in the bushes, just like all the others.

I say shame on anyone who looks to a celebrity for voting advice. These rich and out of touch folks who have no concept of what it’s like for middle class families struggling to feed their kids wants more of the same? SHOCKING. Voting for someone based on what a celebrity says and who doesn’t even know who your are is the dumbest thing possible.

I just cannot rock with lil momma. The Harris campaign saying that she would address high housing costs by providing $25,000 to new home buyers, a move which would only make the cost of homes go up. She is also pledging that her administration would build three million homes over the course of four years: the same person who oversaw the building of 8 total EV stations charging stations at a cost of $7.5 Billion in federal funds and installed no internet at a cost of $42 billion. The increase in cost since she has been in office below, is enough for any wise person to make a decision whom to vote for.

Gas: +38.2%
Electricity: +31.3%
Fuel oil: +37.4%
Airfare: +24.5%
Hotels: +42.4%
Groceries: +22.1%
Eggs: +69.2%
Baby food: +31%
K-12 food: +69.7%
Rent: +22.9%
Transportation: +31.1%
Car insurance: +56.5%
Real average weekly earnings: -3.4%

These successful Hollywood cats have never sat and wondered how they were gonna afford rent, food, gas and still keep the electricity on. They have never skipped a meal or a Soul Cycle lesson so their kid have enough to eat. So I’m sorry, celebrities, your endorsement means nothing to me. Eggs could go up to $5/egg, and y’all will still be eating omelets for breakfast on private jets. You folk have no idea how the majority of America lives; all you knows is your wealthy, gated-community, little celebrity bubble.

Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

Can also purchase any of his books over at; Amazon – TTS Books.

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