Devout Christians: Too Good to Be True? Discover the Ultimate Christian Deal That Won’t Disappoint.

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( Wow – Can you believe it – It just seems too good to be true? Isn’t this what we say when we come across a bargain that simply blows our mind. Recently a well-known retailer made a huge mistake in their advertisement and it seemed that the tablet computer they were trying to market was priced at $69 rather than a more common price of $499. Now, had they actually been willing to sell the product at the advertised price they could not have had enough stock to meet the demand that would have ensued. However, they acknowledged their mistake and refused to sell the product at the reduced price. As a result, many of the would be buyers have cried foul!

While I agree that this purchase would have been a no brainer for me, I’m not so sure I would be among those crying foul at this blunder, since I realize that as human beings (yes even companies, which are run by human beings) all make mistakes. However, I also know that companies should have certain mechanisms in place to help avoid these particular kinds of mistakes. Therefore, I cannot for sure say how I would react if I found myself personally involved in the turn of events.

Devout Christians: Too Good to Be True? Discover the Ultimate Christian Deal That Won’t Disappoint.

One thing I can say for sure is that I do cry foul when a deal sounds too good to be true and it turns out to be because of out right deceit. Another example I’d like to provide is this: The other day my family and I were at the mall and we came across a company that had several representatives performing presentations of their product, which in this case happened to be a soft, cute, adorable looking little creature called a sugar bear or sugar glider. These little animals were being promoted as fantastic little pets that you could even keep in your pocket. The reps were touting them as if they were better than sliced bread and of course with kids present and enthralled in the presentation I’m sure they were getting their share of sales as a result. Luckily, for us wisdom prevailed and we went home and did our research to find out that almost every statement the reps had made, as a part of their promo, was a complete lie compared to the data we came across.

I guess this is why the statement of “caveat emptor” or let the buyer beware became popular, especially in litigation of these types of matters. Yes, I do believe that it is important for the buyer to know what they are getting in exchange for their hard earned money, as they commence in the deal. However, I also believe there should be truth in advertising, as many push for today. Yet in spite of all the efforts made towards portraying truth in marketing, we still come across so much deceit and I believe this is why the phrase “it’s too good to be true” still echoes as a warning to us when we encounter things that make us think twice.

I also believe it’s because of all of this and the fact that we all perhaps have been burnt one too many times by these shenanigans that we approach the story of Jesus Christ in the same manner. We tend to write off the truth of the account as only a story and not as some noteworthy event that should affect us today. After all, it’s hard for us to comprehend that the God of all creation would wrap himself in a human shell, walk among us, be handled so roughly even to the point of being nailed to rough timbers just to die for voicing that we are loved! I mean it blows our mind that someone could travel around on foot doing good deeds, making powerful speeches of everyday things, which conveyed so much truth that people found comfort and relief in them, let alone were physically healed by his touch.

Yet this is the truth that cannot be denied! Jesus knew what he was purchasing with his blood upon that cross. He was willing to pay the price for our sins, our covetousness, selfishness, white lies, thefts, murders, idolatry, rudeness, violence, etc…, which we advertised to God through deceitful practices and words calling it lifestyle choices, borrowings, justifications, avoiding hurt feelings or judgments. Still he did it, but what did he obtain in exchange (since a deal has a benefit to both parties other wise they wouldn’t enter into it)? In his case, when we accept his offer as plainly stated in scripture, he receives a relationship with us. That’s it! That’s his only desire – to have a relationship with us! He doesn’t really want our money since he owns everything already and he doesn’t really want our time since he lives outside of time. All he wants is us and in exchange, he gave himself! Sure, we may want to give our money and our time as an indication that we love him in return but it’s not really part of the negotiations before hand. What do we receive when we enter the exchange? A new heart, a new way of living, joy unspeakable as scripture calls it, a refreshing, love beyond words and eternal life. Now, I’m no dummy, I’ll take that deal any day and twice on Sunday!

Why do I say it’s a truth that’s can’t be denied? Because, with every deal that seems too good to be true which turns out to be, over time the truth comes out. Those who made the purchase or investment eventually find out the flaws and tell others that they were had by the shysters. Eventually then those that operate in the deceit cannot do so any longer because word has spread far enough that no one will buy what they say any longer and so they go out of business. It’s only those organizations that actually deliver on what they promise, that stay in business and prosper. After over two thousand years, the word is still spreading about the good news of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of his promises to those that simply believe.

I would encourage you today to find out for yourself by picking up the Bible and begin reading it! Start with the Gospels, if you’re not sure where to start and read what Jesus had to say, more over what he promised you. I have no doubt that if you follow his words, you will find something that’s not too good to be true but rather something that is so true it’s good for you!

Staff Writer; Rick S.

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