Mark Robinson & Donald Trump: The Real Issue Is the Voting System and Voter Choices.

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( Mark “The Weirdo” Robinson and Donald J. “The Con Man” Trump are not the problem. How a person like Weirdo Robinson became Lt. Governor of North Carolina and now the Republican candidate for Governor of North Carolina is a problem. How Don the Con is the Republican candidate for President is the problem. Not the men but the process. Not the two highly questionable characters running but the people who are voting for them.

Mark Robinson & Donald Trump: The Real Issue Is the Voting System and Voter Choices.

Over two million people in North Carolina voted to make Weirdo Robinson Lt. Governor. In 2020, when Don the Con had his butt kicked by then President-elect Joe Biden over 74 million voters casted their votes for an individual who boasted of being a sex offender.

Don the Con the highly unscrupulous business owner who filed bankruptcy six times and cheated and con scores of small business owners out of money. An individual who played an oversize role in the demise of Atlantic City, New Jersey’s casino industry.

But is proclaimed an economic messiah who led the nation into the promised land filling every basket with golden eggs. Sounds like another con to me.

I think it is fair to say that a significant number of people who voted for Trump in the past and will do so in the near future are not voting for him. They will be voting against his opponent, in this case Vice President Kamala Harris.

It will not be a departure of how people have been voting in the US the last few election cycles. Americans tend to vote against someone as compared to voting for someone.

For many voters who have and will be casting their vote for Trump, they believe that he has given voice to the anger and contempt that they have for the system. The system for which they have contempt, in particular the political process they feel, no longer reflects their needs, wants and desires.

They find themselves alienated from the political process. Many have felt abandoned by politicians who promised things and didn’t deliver. They trusted those politicians but felt in the end that the politicians took their votes and left them standing empty handed.

In Trump they found someone who spoke contemptuously about the system. Who seemed to raise his middle finger to the system and showed nothing but scorn and derision of the political process and its politicians.

The Con Man religiously went out of his way to make mockery of the political process and politicians. The mass loved and cheered him on.

Unfortunately, he was just a con man, and he had found millions who unwittingly had become victims to his latest and greatest con. He spoke to their anger, frustration and yes their hate. But what did he give them back? Nothing, nothing but more anger, frustration and hate.

He allowed them to openly direct their anger, frustration and hate at groups of people that had done nothing to contribute to their anger, frustration and hate. It was a masterful misdirection. A slight of hand by a great magician, a super con man.

Many Americans, even those who have no desire to vote for Trump, find themselves alienated with their world today. Americans across all political, economic and social categories are less connected with others emotionally than at any previous period. They are also less happy.

Trump and other politicians have done nothing to address the alienation felt by Americans. In fact, not only have they failed to address alienation, but they have also used it only to gain votes. They have relied on negative campaigning and negative political advertising to gain votes. But once in office, they have done little to nothing. Their only concern is to remain in or as in Trump’s case return to office.

Their entire campaign is negative attacks on their opponents often as in the case of Don the Con with lies, misinformation and disinformation. What has been the effect of the focus of negative campaigning, attacks, lies, misinformation and disinformation? A democracy which is on the brink.

The political process is just one facet of the system that Americans feel alienated from. American society has undergone radical change in many ways. The change has been beyond significant.

The last 40 years has seen a transformation of America and the world unlike anything in history. A person living in the 1600s probably would have felt comfortable in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s. There would be a change in clothing but very little else. A person could die in the 1600s and if brought back to life in the 1800s would probably be able to fit right in without missing a beat.

If a person died 40 years ago and now were brought back to life the cultural shock would be unbearable. Yes, they might see friends, family members that were still alive.

They might see various buildings and facilities still standing with little if any change. But upon turning on the television, which would take some doing, they would see a world so different from the one they had left that it would make them want to return back to where they had just come.

Those who died 40 years earlier and who believed in the Bible and its Book of Revelation would have no doubt that these were the end of times as reflected in Revelation. They would be hard pressed to find the values and morals that they had grown up on.

They would be astonished and dumbfounded to see that their country men and women would seriously vote to place in the White House a convicted felon, sexual offender and con man. Clearly, these are the end of times when the Antichrist would reveal himself, they would say.

Recently, the Con Man told a group of voters that after this election it would be the last one, they would need to vote in. Immediately, there were those who went on the attack suggesting that perhaps Trump was planning to establish a dictatorship after he was elected.

The Republican House of Representatives has basically shut down any serious attempt to legislative meaningful change on behalf of the American people.  The idea of a change in the type of government that America uses might be needed. Democracy is clearly not working in America.

Perhaps now is the time that Americans think about a change to a benevolent dictatorship. Sooner rather than later, because later might be too late.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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