(ThyBlackMan.com) Many of us do not know, the African American community has been in a Great Recession for the last six months, due to their unemployment rate averaging above 10.0%. The nation, in 2008 was declared to be in a Great Recession by the Obama administration, when the national rate hit 10.0%. The Real and most comprehensive unemployment rate, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics economists (BLS) for September is 7.7%, the black rate averages 2.7% over the real rate and is 10.4% for September.
Due to the lack of vision, and leadership at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), whose job, and responsibility it is, to make sure the economic lives of Black Americans matter, African Americans are unaware, they are in a Great Recession. At the very least we should know the real, and true economic status of the American black community, and why it is harder to find full-time employment that pays a living wage.
So, what does a 10.4% September black unemployment rate mean; what are we really talking about, and how badly are Black American workers really doing, when it comes to the Biden-Harris economy? It is truly shocking, but with active, and knowledgeable leadership, a bright and prosperous outcome is, well within our grasp. We have to first understand the economy, and once reaching that understanding be prepared with solutions, in order to get support from the Biden-Harris administration (they are not our enemy), but you have to know what to ask for. Cicley Gay, BLMGNF’s current leader, is not instilling within us, the confidence we need, going forward. Rebranding away, the obligation of BLMGNF, to the African American community, is certainly not the answer. BLMGNF is estimated to have $30,000,000 in its coffers. The article at the link will give you more understanding of her efforts to rebrand BLMGNF –
As stated above, the African American worker group unemployment rate is at 10.4% – that means, as of September; 10 out of every 100 Black American workers cannot find a full-time Job that pays a living wage, as that individual understands what a living wage is, or cannot find full-time employment in the area of their expertise or experience (we round down 10.4% because it is below 10.5, the break point – so 10.4 becomes 10). Out of 1,000 Black American workers – that number would be 100 Black American workers. Out of 10,000 Black American workers – that number is 1,000 Black American workers for every 10,000 workers cannot find full-time employment in the Biden administration’s economy. And when you get to 100,000 African American workers, 10,000 cannot find full-time employment paying a living wage. This is the actual TRUTH based on what is the Real unemployment rate.
In regard to the overall Real unemployment rate – which is 7.7% – again you round up and that means overall, 8 American workers regardless of race, out of every 100 cannot find full-time employment based on the same criteria as stated above. And that would be 80 out of every 1,000 workers and 800 out of every 10,000 workers. The Biden-Harris administration “official unemployment rate of 4.1%,” which is not comprehensive of the nation’s Job situation, states only 4 American workers out of every 100 are unable to find full-time employment based on the same criteria as stated above. Because the number Biden uses is 4.1% (below the 4.5 break point) you round down, getting the number, 4. So that would be 40 out of every 1,000 workers, or 400 out of every 10,000 American workers.
If I had Cicley Gay’s job, I would let Facts and the Truth be my guide to leading, growing and managing BLMGNF, and the situation the African American community finds itself. Not only does BLMGNF have the economic clout to help All Americans, including African Americans, they have the standing as well, as Cicley Gay herself, put it in this statement, BLMGNF is “the largest” … black philanthropic organization ever to exist in the United States.”
It is a fact African Americans as a worker group are in the midst of a Great Recession and have been since May of 2024. Additionally, it is true, the Biden-Harris administration is hiding, or concealing this fact through the vile policy of undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers, hiding the lay-offs, not only of African Americans, but everyone, including women workers, and women with the responsibilities of heading households, with children. It is a devious policy, indeed. But you have to be open to facts, and the truth to clearly see that, and Cicley Gay does not appear to be of that persuasion, as she embarks upon a strategy of abandoning BLMGNF’s obligation to helping Black Americans, economically, through rebranding.
It has been established Democrats are the culprits in the scam of undercounting our unemployment rates, leading to hiding our layoffs. Please understand, there is no intent here, to make Democrats, and the Biden-Harris administration look bad, we are just stating facts. If Black America, BLMGNF and the nation are going to find solutions, we have to deal with facts, which is the key to finding those solutions. If you go to this link, you certainly will get verifiable proof and an education on the role Democrats play in this scheme. And while there, click on the links within the article for more details – https://thyblackman.com/2024/08/18/kamala-harris-economic-policy-the-truth-behind-undercounting-unemployment-rates/.
President Biden can’t deny facts, and the Truth when it comes to the Real economy, no matter how hard he tries, saying his 4.1% Job rate, is comprehensive, of our Job Situation. The 4.1% Job rate, U-3, he announced, as his official rate of unemployment for September, taken from the Table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization was never meant to be comprehensive of our Unemployment Situation, as it is narrow in scope. BLS economists, in 1994, during the Clinton administration, when the Job rate categories were redone, identified the U-6 category rate, at 7.7% as the REAL, and most comprehensive Job rate.
In the January 6th hearings, we saw the “Truth,” make a difference. The affirmation of the truth, by the January Sixth Committee, will be permanently positive, for our Democracy. By referring Mr. Trump to the Department of Justice, on 4 charges of wrongdoing, the Committee says, Mr. Trump is not above the law, which means the TRUTH mattered, to the Committee. Remember, the January sixth insurrection, started with Trump’s “Big Lie,” which challenged, and continues to challenge the honesty of our institutions.
But, Democratic party members, who champion the actions of the January 6th Committee, in their affirmation of the truth, continue to look pass the Biden-Harris administration lie about our unemployment rates, saying his 4.1% September rate is comprehensive of our Job Situation. It is not. Let us be blunt, the Biden-Harris administration distorts the state of our economy, saying we have a 4.1% unemployment rate economy, when we have a 7.7% unemployment rate economy.
Some of you may not understand how a few percentages, can make a gigantic difference. If you undercount our unemployment rates, which leads to hiding layoffs, with a Job rate lower (Biden’s 4.1% rate for September) than the real Job rate, (7.7%), “The Biden-Harris administration deliberately, counts only 53% of all laid-off workers and that makes all the difference.” He leaves 47% of laid-off workers, uncounted, and unseen by Congressional policymakers who use Biden’s numbers to fashion legislation to help unemployed American workers. Thus, Biden’s use of the U-3 Jobless rate, is purposely misleading (he should count all unemployed workers). Instead of advocating economic policies to fix the Real economy, the Biden-Harris administration is covering up what is a poor economy, projecting 4.1%, as being comprehensive of our Monthly Unemployment Situation, when the Real and comprehensive unemployment rate is U-6 at 7.7%; and they don’t deny they are doing this. The truth and facts matter; advice presently ignored by Cicley Gay, and BLM Global Network Foundation, to the detriment of the African American community.
Staff Writer; James Davis
Question? Comment? One may use this email address; MrDavis@ThyBlackMan.com.
Do tell me about racism…???. You got played by black women, who now live in rich white neighborhoods… Those same women have since put white women in charge of their organization??? ??? I guess, they only promote DEI hiring as a means to keep Americans devided, when it suits their needs… You support a women who’s Jamaican, Indian, african, or some race with non white skin, only because of the color of her skin… Martin Luther King would be so proud of how you received his message… ????
At some point you have to decide to leave, or stay on the plantations… There’s no white men making you stay, any longer… They haven’t since the civil war, when half a million white men gave their lives, so you could live a free life, to make your own choices… All those I know whom are “black” as you call them, are successful people in positions of responsibility, because instead of standing on a corner telling stories about how the white man is holding a brother down; they went to work for what they wanted in life, and achieved their goals… Your oppressed, story telling is tiresome, and outdated… unless you’re old enough to be collecting social security benefits, you know nothing about the struggles of both black, and white men, to allow you a right to cry about an oppression, that is non-existant… The only thing holding back any man, is their lack of willingness to work for what they want…
Discriminate against the white man is your plan, ay??? Yet, I bet you voted for an old senile white man, and an Indian women that have made their careers off incarcerating black men… Good plan… ?????.
“RIGHT is RIGHT, even if everyone is against it, and WRONG is WRONG, even if everyone is for it,” William Penn once said. It is correct to assert President Biden underreports the unemployment rates of American workers, concealing layoffs even if everyone is against it (it is right to reveal this—it economically harms American workers, especially African Americans who have the highest unemployment rate). Mr. Biden is in the wrong for doing this, even if everyone supports him or turns a blind eye because Vice President Kamala Harris is running for President. She could declare, “I will end the policy of underreporting the unemployment rates of American workers.” Will she make such a statement?
Great Article
Let me start off by saying that Crime has a direct c-relation, and it is very proportionate to poverty, Unemployment, lack of education and fatherless homes. As you can see unemployment in the black community is very high and it affects our young Christian men, women and LGBT.; More so unemployment is highest during the presidency of Democratic Candidates such as Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Indeed, the Democratic Party gains a lot from our black vote but give nothing in return for the black vote.
Another interesting fact is that with the increase in Illegal immigration across our border there is an increase black incarceration due to the facts that all the illegal aliens are taking the low skill level entry jobs, benefits, and health resources from the African American community. Let’s Remember that back in the 1960;’s and early 1970’s the black men was a hard working men working everywhere you could ever imagine such sanitation, housekeeping, taxi drivers, car wash, construction, mechanics, handy men etc,… but as soon as Hispanic and Asian started migrated into the United States with the addition of the desegregation and integration of blacks and white people into the same schools and restaurants etc. We began to see an increase in black unemployment and i incarceration; while the Hispanics and Asians increase in getting jobs and more benefits than our black brother and sisters which in turn cause the demised of the black family homes.
You see it is the democrats who encourage illegal immigration into America knowing for a fact and in advance that it displaces the black men from the workplace and forces the black men to resort to crime and drug trafficking for survival. In short, under the ruling of the Democratic Party the black men suffer the most with lack of unemployment and the black women suffers a lot more with the lack of a strong hard-working men in the home helping her to raise their kids in a positive and fulfilling environment.
Now, the Black Live Matter organization is actually a joke because it is not controlled, operated and funded by African Americans loyal to the black community; Instead, it is control by white women and white LGBT individuals who are behind the manipulation of the black live matter movement as a tool to enrich themselves and control the black vote. Have any of you visited a black live matter office in your community? Well, I did and i visited more than two of those facilities per invitation from my black Lesbian friend and she show me something that was bothering her and that was that the people in charge in those offices such as the manager, the financial officer, the clerks, the secretaries were all white women, Asian women and the majority where white LGBT Gay men and Lesbian women.
I asked my friend where are all the black people? She then took me to a back room aka a conference room and there is where i saw all the black women and black LGBT making flyers, making phone calls, doing the run to pick up pizza, fried chicken, etc. Pretty much what my friend shows me is that the black members of LGBT do not control the organization but are only doing the minion jobs of making flyers, banners, picking up food and marching down the street, while the Whtie women and White LGBT are the one running the business but putting a black person in front of the Media as the face of Balck Live Matter.
Black Live Matter organization have received millions to billions of dollars in donation since the Killing of George Floyd: yet, they have done anything that is specific and tangible to the prosperity of the black community. They have not built any vocational school to teach our young black boys and girls how to become independent contractors, Plumbers, Carpenters, Electricians, Hany men/women, landscaping, Coding, Solar panel installers, Painters etc… Neither, have Black Live Matter built or open a factory in every state where there are black people living to create at least one thousand jobs per city or per black neighborhood in order to deter our young black boys and girls from becoming criminals due No jobs available since all the jobs in America are being given to Hispanics, Asians and Illegal migrants from all over the world.
More so, If black Live Matter have the best interest of Black America, then it must be control and operated by black people only for us by us. Black Live matter must also push forward the notion of telling all black men to stop wearing saggy pants, to stop wearing or putting tattoos on their bodies, faces and necks which affect your employment status as well, Black live matter organization must also deter black people from spending their money in liquor stores, Tobacco Stores, Nail salons, beauty shops, Jewelry stores etc. that are owned by people that do not look like us, did not suffer like us and did not endure 400 years of slavery, discrimination, segregation and Jim crow laws.
In short, Black live matter should prohibit black people from spending their black dollars in stores that are owned by Asians, Hispanics, Whites, Untouchables, Middle eastern, Armenian, Ukrainians etc… Black people should only spend their black money with businesses that are owned by black people. We should put our money in black owned banks for which there are over 21 African American banks nationwide, we should only send our children to black owned schools, we should only visit black doctors, black dentist, black tax preparers, black lawyers, black accountant and black everything. this is our survival black America