Kamala Harris Dominates Donald Trump in Debate: The Knockout That Left Him Dazed.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Wow, the wannabe tough guy, the dictator in training aka convicted felon Donald J. Trump has decided that he did not want another match with Vice President Kamala Harris. I wonder why.

It would be easy to call him chicken for not wanting to be embarrassed again before millions of viewers. But I think chickens probably would be offended to be somehow associated with Don the Con, the Chaos Queen.

At the same time, you have to give him credit for not wanting to enter the ring again. For not wanting for another hour and forty-five minutes have his bell rang over and over again showing the world how weak and stupid he is. People want good comedy and Trump despite being a clown and a buffoon is not. A joke, yes, but not funny.

Kamala Harris Dominates Donald Trump in Debate: The Knockout That Left Him Dazed.

Vice President Harris continued to jab away at Trump. Following him all round the ring hitting while saying “What’s my name. Say it right, what’s my name?” He thought she asked him what his name was. He was so dazed and confused all he emitted in pain, “Sissy, my name is Sissy.”

If he can’t stand up to Vice President Harris how confident can the American people feel that he will be able to handle Little Putin and all the others. Little Putin will eat his lunch. But a majority of Americans already know what Trump is and that is a chump. He has been a chump since he was in grade school.

He is also a bully, sex offender, pathological liar, sexist, racist, Un-American and un-Christian narcissist who is a con man.

Vice President Harris jab Trump with the fact that he and his father were charged with discrimination in renting to Blacks in NYC. She sent a left-hand hook to his jaw pointing out that he brought a full pay ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of five innocent Black and Latinx youth.

Finally, she hit him with a right cross to his head, mentioning how he ran around the US telling people the lie that President Obama was not born in America. The hits buckled his legs under him. He was dazed and confused. She continued to demand that he say her name correctly. Once again being dazed and confused he thought she was asking what his name was and he said “Sissy, Big Sissy.”

He complained that Vice President Harris was digging up things from long ago.  But if a man is a straight up racist in the 1970, a racist in the 1990s and still a racist in 2008 can he be anything but a racist in 2024?

My brothers and sisters, does not the Bible ask the question, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Can I have an amen? Can I have another amen?

I can see the handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and prostitutes racing to defend their Massa. But when you are out there storming the bulwarks, and you look around and don’t see Don the Con don’t be surprised. You are defending someone who will not be defending you.

Republican campaign operatives dust off their handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and prostitutes and send them out to try to confuse people with crazy conspiracies and superficial nonsense about Vice President Harris. In some cases, it is just outright lies. But when confronted with the truth about Donald J. Trump, convicted felon, they cry foul.

Case in point, one of the talking points being spread by the Trump people after Vice President Harris wiped the floor with old man Trump, while declaring that Trump won the debate attacked the ABC moderators as being unfair and biased against him.

Trump himself went on to call the woman moderator “nasty.” He has used that same term often to describe other Black women. Is it possible that the convicted sex offender has a problem with Black women? Or is it that he does not like people of color in general? Is that why he continuously lies about immigrants?

Is that why he and JD Vance tell lies about Haitian-Americans eating cats and dogs? Is that why he flies on his campaign plane white nationalists and neo-Nazis?

Perhaps the Republican campaign operatives can wake up some of their handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and other prostitutes to address Trump’s undeniable race schizophrenia. It might help with Black and other people of color to be clear in what and who they might be voting for or against. Then again, they probably want to keep people of color confused when voting.

Clearly, Trump was upset and was crying and turning like top after the debate after he cleared the cobwebs from his head because he had received a good old fashioned butt kicking. A butt kicking from a Black woman.

I don’t recall ever hearing a player or coach after winning the game complaining about the officials, the umpires. That is left to those who lose. Trump lost and he lost badly. The worst beating in debate history since they started having televised debates.

Immediately after the debate, the convicted sex offender indicated according to polls, 95 percent of the people who watched the debate thought Don the Con won the debate. What he failed to mention was that the 95 percent was in his head. Not the one that got him in trouble.

It is possible that he will change his mind and decide to put on his big boy pants and get in the ring again. He often changes his mind and takes a completely different position than he had earlier. Perhaps it might be something to do with his cognitive abilities. Then again it might be because he forgot the lie, he had said earlier.

If in fact he does try again, he might want to get a different team of trainers. The team of trainers for the September 10th debate were clearly ineffective.

What he might want to do is hire a team of hardened prosecutors. Some no take prisoner prosecutors who will drill him relentlessly. Even if it doesn’t help him to do better against Vice President Harris, it should help prepare him for his slew of court cases he will be confronted with after losing the election.

But perhaps more concerning than Trump’s pathetic debate performance is the 37 percent of people who viewed the debate and said that Trump was the winner of the debate. Were they drunk, high or saw the debate, I mean the massacre, in some alternative universe.

Then again, not exactly surprising. A significant number of the people who “watched” the debate and believed that convicted felon Trump won the debate were the same people who saw the seven-minute video of George Floyd being murdered and saw everything but what it was and that was murder. The same people who watch and see things that are not there and are blind to things which are there.

They have had a continual history of not seeing the truth. They are a far greater danger to America’s democracy than Don the Con.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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