(ThyBlackMan.com) After convicted felon Donald J. Trump‘s disastrous debate performance against Vice President Kamala Harris, Republicans might want to seriously consider a reset. That is Republicans might want to do like the Democrats did after President Joe Biden’s difficult debate performance and replace Trump.
Clearly Trump was not up to handle the butt kicking, face slapping that he received from Vice President Harris. Not only did he seem to have little to any energy, Vice President Harris made him look old and confused. At times, she looked at him with pity while she continued her onslaught unmercifully holding him up to show Americans and others why the wannabe dictator was wearing nothing but panties.
I have not seen anyone provide such a beating of another person since I saw footage of the greatest of all time, Muhammad Ali, take an opponent and jab him around the ring while taunting him. Fifteen minutes into the debate, Trump should have held his arms up and surrendered saying “No mas, no mas.”
Trump apparently was asked if he wanted to do another debate after the beating that he took. He replied he would have to think about it. As much as he enjoys being the center of attention, one would think that he probably does not want to be embarrassed again, especially at the hands of a woman of color.
Let’s face, after Vice President Harris became the Democratic nominee, Trump did not hesitate to say that she was not smart. Not only did she show viewers that she was the smartest person on the stage, but that other person was a jackass and a complete dummy. But many already knew that.
So, the Republicans can try and put him back into the ring to get whipped again or they can look to replace him. If they decided to replace No Energy Trump, who might be some of the possible replacements?
Probably, the first person the Republican might want to consider is JD Vance. Unlike Trump, Vance is youthful and intelligent. Trump is neither.
Vance loves conspiracies so those on the right and extreme right will find him as someone they can embrace comfortable. He would have the cover of being able to make far right extremist statements about race by trotting out his Indian American wife. “See I am not racist.”
On the other hand, unfortunately, Vance may not be someone who they can trust in the long run. He went from publicly demeaning Trump just a short couple of years ago and now Trump is his best bed buddy. Politics tends to do such.
Another contender could be Congressman Byron Lowell Donalds. Now that is one fine upstanding Negro. He would be a formidable opponent in that he is a fierce defender of the right for Americans, in particular certain Americans, to own assault rifles, tanks and weapons of destruction, regardless of their mental stability. Such a God given right is as stated in his copy of the US Constitution.
Republicans love to dust off Congressman Donalds after taking him out of his dark hole and place him in front of cameras to attack Vice President Harris. It reminds me of the quote by Minister Malcolm X regarding the House Negro:
“There were two kinds of slaves, the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes–they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good because they ate his food–what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near their master; and they loved their master more than their master loved himself. They would give their life to save their master’s house–quicker than the master would. If the master said, “We got a good house here,” the house Negro would say, “Yeah, we got a good house here.” Whenever the master said “we,” he said “we.” That’s how you can tell a house Negro.”
JD Vance and Byron Donalds would be an attractive team if you like crazies, chameleons, conspiracists and of course House Negroes.
However, if the Republicans don’t think JD Vance and Bron Donalds are up to it, they can go full tilt crazy. They could select Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene also known as MTG or just the crazy one. Another choice is Congresswoman Lauren Opal Boebert also known as RCO the real crazy one.
Then there is Matthew “Matt” Louis Gaetz, youthful and has a reputation for being a party guy. Not party in terms of the Republican party but party in terms of music and dancing.
Although there is some concern that perhaps some of the partying involved pharmaceuticals for which one does not get a prescription. There are also concerns that perhaps some of the attendees at the parties may have been too young to drive.
But those are just allegations and allegations should not disqualify him or anyone. Especially since there were millions of Americans who have no problem voting for a criminally convicted sex offender and business fraud. Who is also charged with election subversion and is being investigated for his role in an insurrection against the US government.
Gaetz has none of those. So Gaetz should not have any problem.
Nonetheless out of fairness to Don the Con aka the Chaos Queen perhaps he should be given another opportunity to take the stage and allow Vice President Harris to whip his ass again. It would be great for America. In fact, it would make America great again to witness the school yard bully end up sitting alone crying in the lunchroom while Vice President Harris and true patriotic Americans ate his lunch.
Staff Writer;Â Al Alatunji
holy crap.. Cope article if I have ever seen one???
This site must be so desperate for writers they accepted a brainless pile of ghostturds thrown together to form what they, most generously, call an “article”.
seriously? it is better to vote for someone who a) was so universally disliked in 2020 that she didn’t win a single delegate and had to drop out of the primaries after the very first one, and b) despite (a) was miraculously selected as Biden’s VP solely due to her gender and race, and c) is running on promises to “fix” problems she and Biden failed to fix in the last 3.5 years AND are somehow either beyond her ability or desire to fix today? I understand that Trump is not someone that many would wish to associate with on a personal level, but the facts are clear that our economy was much better under Trump pre-covid. Please think beyond race and vote as an American would for strong borders, an end to American lives and gold feeding unnecessary wars, and a strong economy. VOTE TRUMP!!
Humiliating defeat??? Give me a break… Logically, Trump clearly won that 3 on 1 debate while Kamala was serving her word salads and gaslighting America. The only people that claim Kamala won are either being deceptive, or moved by their emotions…
convicted felon? did he robbed or murdered someone? that’s what usually felony is. oh, I see – some hush money case makes him felon. In USA everyone is a felon by government definition…
This is probably one of the most brain dead articles I’ve ever read
laughable??? there is no way Trump lost that debate. Trump won that debate.