Politics Vs The People **The Power Within Each of Us.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Some of us are conditioned to not read, so the message of solution will not be received by half Americans. 

For generations, we’ve been swayed by traditions and authority figures, contributing to the erosion of what we recognize as America. We’ve placed our trust in the narratives crafted by those in power, often without developing or expressing our own truths. Our collective reality has become the truth of those who seek to divide us—both past and present—fostering a climate of anger, division, racism, and violence among us. This turmoil often stems from a deeper fear: the fear of truly understanding ourselves. Misguided by this fear, we find ourselves debating the lesser of two evils and questioning which of these options offers fewer lies.

Among the two dominant parties, there are individuals who think independently and aim to bring about a collective awakening. For years, we’ve had limited options despite our intelligence and diverse Western education. Why haven’t we created more alternatives when faced with only two choices?

Each of us possesses inherent power, though emotional conditioning has obscured this from our awareness.

Politics Vs The People **The Power Within Each of Us.

**The Power and Value of Our Vote**  (Video) Click Here

Every time we vote, it represents an immense value—equivalent to one million dollars. The powers that be will never disclose this truth, often encouraging us to vote without fully understanding its significance but most importantly its value. Imagine if you were to knowingly give one million dollars to a party that hasn’t yet proven its worth, election after election, year after year, decades after decades. Some have manipulated us into believing that countless sacrifices were made for our right to vote, and they with this power shame others to shame those who choose not to participate. But isn’t it also a form of intellect and power to question how your “one million” is being used?”

Those who abstain from voting may be asking, “If you want my one million, what will you do with it, and when will I see the benefits?” A nation divided by conflicting parties will only continue to falter as they mislead us into thinking everything is fine when it clearly isn’t. Each election cycle mirrors this division, perpetuating a cycle of hate and division. We spend our time and resources without seeing the value of our contributions, ourselves; leading to a sense of frustration and eventually a country of insanity. Our youth voice their discontent, but too often, we dismiss their concerns due to a lack of respect for how we are systematically programmed to think of the younger generation.

With the rise of social media, we have repeated the cycle of the lesser of two evils and handed over our data—our virtual “one million dollars”—to platforms that offer little in return to our communities. Despite warnings from health authorities suggesting we label platforms about the dangers of social media, with pride of life, “Surely not me”, we believe we can manage it and as a result, we with strife become angry at anyone who suggests it could possibly be ourselves. Yet, as these platforms continue to profit immensely from our data and minds, we are trapped into an emotional matrix of who other than us are trapped, often leaving us feeling worse after with anticipation aggressively pointing fingers with those we consider at fault. With a solution in sight, we with pride refuse those Dr. who are independent thinkers from  the matrix who simply come with solutions inviting both sides. There is no other way!

**A Call to Action**

Consider this: Now that social media has used the same method of division, if you knew that each time you registered on a platform, you were essentially giving away one million dollars, wouldn’t it make sense to demand something valuable in return other than mental illness as our reward? We shouldn’t be passive consumers; we should expect fair returns for our contributions. We are often conditioned to complain rather than seek solutions, reinforcing this cycle of distrust and inaction.

It’s projected that Facebook will generate 170 billion by year’s end, that’s a lot of one million dollars as we continue to complain about the negativity it causes. Why do we continue to log in day after day, understanding though we are adults, it’s only others who are being infected by its virus? Is that not a form of insanity from adults? Yet we refuse to see that our youth are only a reflection of what they see in us daily as we are conditioned/programmed to point the finger at everyone else other than ourselves? Where did this behavior of no accountability come from? Could it be the division of both parties and negative media, rather that be social media or fake news?

Why have the adults not thought of a solution that can only be provided by technology that unites us all and gives us a voice of critical thinking? For some of us, unfortunately no matter how much sense this makes, there will be those who will be offended and unaware that they cannot make a move that will help their lives without it coming from a celebrity or politician. Again a part of negative programming. Solutions will not come from the minds of western education intellectuals, because that is also a systemic programming system that teaches individuality and capitalism vs unity amongst those who can agree to disagree without the feeling of animosity, though this comes with peace offering. (explainer video)   

Introducing UMYO Wall Street of Technology—a revolutionary platform designed to channel your registration benefits back into our communities through community ownership, rather than merely serving the platform itself. Unlike traditional big tech entities, UMYO is governed by the community and focuses on addressing local issues and providing real solutions. In this tech-driven era, it is vital that technology is community-owned to prepare both the current and future generations. Otherwise, we risk setting them up for failure, particularly as both major parties (red vs blue) offer inadequate solutions to the growing issue of mass unemployment, inflation that some fail to see and family homelinesses exacerbated by artificial intelligence. We cannot allow a single tech entity to monopolize and profit from our data. Again, our lives and the future of our children are at stake.

The question is: do you need an external figure—a neighbor, celebrity, or politician—to prompt you to support this initiative? If we, as a community, do not take decisive action now, we may find ourselves powerless to effect change in the future. This is a pivotal moment that demands action, driven not by big tech or political leaders, but by informed problem-solvers who grasp the power of technology and the importance of individual votes and membership. No more excuses, no more complaining.

For those earning from social media and feeling hesitant about starting fresh, you don’t have to abandon your current platform immediately. Instead, you can maintain your presence while gradually introducing your subscribers to new, community-owned platforms. As awareness grows about the benefits of such platforms, you’ll have already guided your audience to alternatives that offer more stability and value for all communities. We simply use profits from community owned platforms to solve community concerns as a unit. Something a third grader can see without the poisoning of what would say mature minds. 

Take some time to get informed. Just as there are experts in health, there are also specialists who offer solutions that are easy to understand. The answers have always been right in front of us, and we all play a role in our own challenges. So, “click here” to explore solutions that not only unite like-minded individuals but also support those affected by life’s hardships. Join platforms that we can all take pride in—community-owned spaces that empower people to advocate for themselves and their communities. Share with others and be proud that there are step by step solutions that make sense vs the virus of envy that it makes too much sense. For the first time in history, we will be able to see who is for the community and those who are themselves with different agendas. 

If you are a resident of the U.S. pick a tribe of choice from link below and register for accountability and prize giveaways, If you are a business, pick a tribe of choice from below and Register for community support and accountability. A No Brainer Right? Maybe not a “No Brainer” for those who read with malice or for those who are too deep into the matrix!!


Email us at; ltacademy@umyowallstreet.site.


Staff Writer; Gregory Barnard