(ThyBlackMan.com) OK, you will find this interesting and maybe shocking. And no, I did not just discover this. I knew it 25 or more years ago. The church as many people know it today is more of an offshoot of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and the Catholic Church, Martin Luther and John Calvin (who split from the Catholic Church) and man-made religion and traditions resulting in denominations that God did not create, and that Christ (the Kristos) did not list as a part of His church.
Ironically, the Catholic Church has so much impact and influence over the churches in America today. The collar that ministers wear. The rituals in the Lutheran and Presbyterian Church. The robes worn by the church leaders in the services. Yet the Bible never mentions the Catholic Church, never says submit to a pope, never says that priest are to forbid people to marry, never says to bow down nor to pray to Mary, and the New Testament does not give man the power to forgive sin. Here is a big one. Where did God say? we could change the name of the Messiah based on the culture or the time or the language?

Generally, most people who go to church in America, if they are not Catholic, realize these things are incorrect. But this “Jesus” impostor is pushed very hard in the church today that calls itself the “Christian church”.
The Bible warns us about all of the above and “another gospel”, a fake one complete with a fake Messiah and a fake spirit influencing the minds of people. And the original text did not say “Jesus”.
Reference 2 Corinthians 11:4Reference 2 Peter Chapter 2
The Bible tells us whomever adds to God’s word or takes away from it will be in trouble. (See Deuteronomy 4:2 etc.) So people should be wondering why they so easily accept the name “Jesus”. The Messiah was Hebrew and there was no “J” in Hebrew, which is the language the Old Testament was originally translated from (and one book in Aramaic). There was no “J” in Greek either, the language the New Testament was translated from originally.
The correct name for the Messiah is Yeshua or Yehoshua. That is a fact. So when people call on the name of Jesus, they are calling on a name that is manufactured by man via transliteration. As hard and shocking as there is to hear, it is true and you can go and check it. While scholars do not deny this, they just make excuses for changing the name to something else and keep right on deceiving the people.
The name “Jesus” is not even a translation. It is a transliteration. However, I reiterate that we don’t find anywhere in scripture where God directs people to change the name of the Messiah. No, we do not speak Greek, nor Hebrew, not most of us anyway. But we can at least get the name right if we are going to call upon “the name above every name”. We can at least use the correct name. Demons do not tremble at the name of Jesus, they laugh at how many people are deceived and using the wrong name. Just like they must find it hilarious when a Catholic priest will try to cast out a demon using a name that has no power. Especially when the Catholic Church is not even mentioned in the Bible. Unless the Catholic Church added it.
But it didn’t stop there. The Roman Catholic Church, the Catholic Church, man-made religion, those who canonized scripture at the council of Nicea and the council of Trent and traditions, etc. didn’t just stop with changing the name. They changed the look. That’s why you see the pictures that you see. fake or false images that defy God’s directive not to make images of things in heaven down here on earth.
I’m not trying to remake the Messiah in our image, we are supposed to be remade in His. It looks like a whole lot of people forgot that. What you see as portrayals of the Messiah today are Anglo-Saxon, European white-washed images that do not match the look of a Hebrew at all.
Jesus is an anglo-Saxon European whitewashed counterfeit of the real Messiah. Jesus was set up in man’s image to advance man’s agenda through religion, not Christianity. That’s why they changed the Messiah’s real name and made excuses for doing it. Even though, yet again, nowhere in scripture does God tell us to change the real name of the Messiah. That’s also why they changed the Messiah’s look from Hebrew to European. But don’t take my word for it, go back and double check everything that you have read in this article.
In short, no man-made religion is of God because God did not create man-made religions. No matter how they resemble the real, use the same terms and do some of the same things, they are still counterfeits. How do you tell the counterfeits from the Real? To begin with, the Bible tells you in scriptures that I have referenced herein and other scriptures how to spot the fakes. It is quite an easy study actually, but you notice that most church leaders don’t teach you that. Why not? Because you know how to spot a fake would expose many of them.
Secondly, every man made religion, whether it is Catholicism, Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventist, denominations or Islam, has somebody standing in the way to regulate your relationship, your distance, your life and your communication with God. In the Catholic Church, it is the pope via the pagan hierarchy that the Catholic Church set up all the way down to the priest. In Islam it is the Imam or Grand Imam or Shaw or Ayatollah. And before that, it was Muhammad himself. In denominations it is the pastor, who nowadays seems to be promoting himself or herself and a bunch of guidebooks or rules of order that the Bible never said to use. Do you disagree? Then what denomination was the Messiah? Exactly, none. In Mormonism is was Joseph Smith as the self-appointed mediator between God and man. In Seventh Day Adventist it was Ellen G. White. And the list goes on, but you get the point.
Serious food for thought. Check all this out for yourself. And you will wonder how so many millions of people, if not billions, missed it. That is just how clever Satan is, to sit back and watch people rebuke him with a name that has no power because it is the wrong name, followed up by the wrong spirit, pointing to someone who was not the Messiah, advancing man’s agenda and taught by man’s religion. That is not a threat to Satan. It is a benefit to him.
Sadly, all these fakes or counterfeits, man-made religions, doctrine of demons, fake gospels and foolishness have led people away from the Creator(s) and the real Messiah. People are now thinking that all this foolishness is actually the real Christian church when it isn’t, not at all. It is simply a bunch of counterfeits that have a form (appearance) of godliness, but deny the power thereof. They have an outward appearance with no inward transformation. They are not sheep, they are goats. Some are wolves. They are not wheat, they are tares. They are not real, they are counterfeits. And once you learn how to spot them, it becomes crystal clear.
Now you have been told. And you cannot say that you never were. So I challenge you to verify everything. I have just told you, even if you do so in an attempt to prove me wrong. And I dare you to wake up.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
I am extremely pleased with your provision of this knowledge and origin of the structure of Religion in the form of Christianity and its many denominations (All Man Made)…Thank You and I look forward to your next article.