Donald Trump’s Potential Return: Is America Facing a Second Post-Reconstruction Era?

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( January 2025, in the absence of divine intervention convicted felon Donald J. Trump might slither back into the White House. The US will have gone through an extremely polarizing election. The nation is perhaps at its most polarizing and divided point since the American Civil War.

It has been said that history often repeats itself. If so, will the Trump years go down in history as the Second Post Reconstruction era?

After the Civil War, the divided nation went through what historians call the Reconstruction Era. The dates of the Reconstruction according to some historians started on January 1, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which declared the institution of slavery abolished in areas in conflict with the Union. Reconstruction officially ended in 1877 when the final troops stationed in the South were withdrawn.

Donald Trump’s Potential Return: Is America Facing a Second Post-Reconstruction Era?

During the Reconstruction Era slavery in the South was abolished. The newly freed formerly enslaved Africans in large numbers left the plantations they were forced to stay and moved to cities where they worked the Black jobs, as convicted sex offender Trump referred to such work. The lowest paid unskilled jobs, such as domestic workers, cooks, house cleaners, maids, butlers, landscapers, maintenance, janitorial and service laborers.

During this period a limited form of land reform took place in the South. During slavery, plantation owners had free use of enslaved Africans to work their plantations. Unable to use unpaid enslaved labor the plantation owners were forced to divide up their plantations and rent small lots to formerly enslaved Blacks who would work the land as sharecroppers.

It could be viewed as a continuation of economic slavery just under a new name.   Nevertheless, the formerly enslaved Blacks no longer were compelled to wear physical chains. They would not be free but still they were no longer legally enslaved.

During Reconstruction Black males were permitted to vote and used their vote to elect Blacks to the Congress and state legislatures. Approximately 15 percent of all elected officials in the South during Reconstruction were Black. The US Constitution was amended.

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution granted Blacks citizenship rights and equal protection under the law. The Enforcement Act of 1871 also referred to as the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 was enacted to outlaw white supremacy domestic terrorism. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was enacted in response to civil and human rights violations against Blacks occurring during Reconstruction.

Blacks were allowed to officially marry. Marriages during slavery were not considered legal and recognized by the state.

Many, if not all, of the new civil and human rights obtained by Blacks were opposed by Southern whites. They attempted to counter with Black Codes which would severely restrict and limit Black lives. Blacks would not be able to vote or hold citizenship. They would be second class citizens. The Black Codes were outlawed.

When federal troops who had safeguarded the rights and freedom of the formerly enslaved Blacks were withdrawn, Southerners went to work to basically return Blacks back to the slave period. Laws were passed in the South to disenfranchise Black voters. The Black Codes came back as Jim Crow Laws. The outlawed Ku Klux Klan re-emerged with the support of white elected officials and law enforcement to terror Blacks.

Could history repeat itself and a Second Post Reconstruction Era occur during the administration of convicted felon Donald J. Trump? Absolutely, without question. Would it be an intended purpose of Trump seeking to return to the Oval Office? I don’t believe so.

Trump is many things, a convicted felon, con man, and sex offender.  He appears to suffer from pseudologia fantastica, which makes Vice President Kamala Harris debating him a total waste of time. It is nothing that should be taken lightly.  He does not seem to be religious or spiritual. He is clearly ethically challenged. His moral code seems to be best summaries as “me, myself and I.”

However, I don’t believe he is an ideologue. An ideologue regardless of how far they might be, right or the left, believes in something. Convicted con Trump does not appear to believe in anything, that includes God.

So, do I fear convicted Trump personally going into the White House and start issuing executive orders that return Blacks and other people of color back to the first post Reconstruction Era? No, I don’t. He will pass that onto others to do. They will be reluctant in their efforts to Blacks and other people of color back to the first post Reconstruction Era. They will have support from the handkerchiefs heads and the fetch@@@@@@@..

Con man Trump will be too busy exerting retribution and revenge to all those who dared to cross him.  I believe his total focus will be to personally involve himself seeking retribution and revenge against judges, prosecutors and even jurors who he felt acted against him in civil and criminal matters.

He will go after political opponents in both parties who did not support him, who questioned his ethics and morality. Reporters and media outlets will be the focus of his relentless revenge. Individuals and organizations going back many years will be targets for his anger and bitterness. He once wanted to own an NFL team but was denied. The NFL should be concerned about another half of convicted felon Trump.

Should people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims, gays, and others worry about the return of the con man? Not really since he will be preoccupied with seeking retribution and revenge.

However, “but you can bet that you ain’t seen nothing yet until you” see what the bigots, racists, white Christian nationalists, who are in ecstasy that Trump might be back, have planned for you. Might make the First Post Reconstruction period seem civil and progressive as for what may be in store during the Second Post Reconstruction period.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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