Devout Christians: Revealing Hidden Truths – Man’s Creation Beyond Religious Teachings.

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( Most of you who have read the Bible, the Quran etc. have only been given small pieces of the truth regarding the creation of man, how it happened and who did it. But if you read your book of worship more closely for the clues, not just for what your leader told you it meant, you will be able to connect some of the dots. Let me help you. But note, many of you will not be able to grasp what you are about to read. Some of you will and a light in your head will click on. And others of you knew the truth already. Let’s see which arena you fall into. So down the rabbit hole of man’s creation we go.

The Europeans robbed and raped Africa of its people, its land, its oil, its jewels and yes its sacred knowledge, especially with what they stole from Egypt. Then the Christian religion (not actual Christianity, but rather a counterfeit) and Catholicism (which impacted Islam and religious denominations) excluded, changed and even vilified books they removed from the Bible and Egypt itself. Yet Christ went to Egypt and so did Moses. Why? Man’s religion figured you did not need to know the truth about all that. However, as a genetic descendant of a Nubian bloodline, my mind, spirit and cells contain part of that sacred knowledge that was vilified by “the church” and kept hidden from you. And now it’s time for you to know more of the truth, not all of it, but more of it.

The super-intelligent beings who created man were/are extra-terrestrial aliens. Before you shake your head, just realize the term “extra-terrestrial” simply means they are not of this world. The same thing Christ himself said. They are aliens because they are foreign to this plant. Oxford dictionary says “extraterrestrial” means “ from outside the Earth or it’s atmosphere”. Clearly that would include those many of you know as God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Allah, angels and even Ginns (in Islam), to name a few. You just never thought of it that way because your leaders never told it to you that way.

Devout Christians: Revealing Hidden Truths - Man's Creation Beyond Religious Teachings.

These Beings sometimes called the “Anunnaki” came to this planet (Terra, thus the word “terrestrial”) a long time ago. The name Annunaki is more of a Sumerian or Babylonian title description of where they came from than an actual name, but more about that later so keep reading. The Hebrew name of the Anunnaki will shock you and provide proof of the claims you are reading, but I will let you discover that name for yourself. They are those who said in the Bible “let US make man in OUR image” in Genesis 1:26. They said “after our likeness”.

When Adam and woman ate the forbidden fruit, Enlil, Enki and the other superior beings said “behold they have become as one of US” in Genesis 3:22. So keep in mind, while there is/was one supreme advanced leader (you know as God or the Father), there were several advanced beings around Him. They were the “US” and the “OUR” he was speaking to. The Christian “church”, the Catholic “church”, Islam and Judaism seem to just ignore all of those conversations. And if you think religious leaders ignore that, did it ever occur to you when people point to Heaven, they are pointing to outer space where those Annunaki came from? Look up and follow where you are pointing. If you keep going, where would you end up? In deep space. Where do you think Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) and Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24 and the book of Enoch) went when they were taken up to Heaven as stated in the Bible? And what about Melchizedek who had no father and no mother (Hebrews 7:3)? The logical conclusion is that he was not from Earth. Today a big part of that revelation of truth can be seen through the Webb telescope by looking “out there”. But religions and belief systems don’t seem to cover that either. And we can’t just walk up and use that telescope to see what they see. Especially when the James Webb telescope can see billions of years into the past.

When they came to this planet, what the Anunnaki found was primitive beings already here. Beings created by advanced, superior ethereal entities long, long ago. Creators much like who we have been taught that “God” is. Creators who evolved beyond physical form. Creators the “church” calls “spirits”. When the Anunnaki came much later, the primitive beings already here had low intelligence and no concept of worship. So the Anunnaki increased one and set up the other. And once the experiment was successful, Homosapien man would arise (Adam or the Adamu). The garden called Eden was an area of the planet blocked off from the primitive beings, guarded and monitored by the Anunnaki. You can in part connect this dot to the dot described by the “church” and the Bible as the Cherubim left by God at the East entrance of the garden so nobody would approach the tree in the garden(Genesis 3:24). Nobody like who? Those primitive beings on Earth who were not to be recipients of enlightenment. You see the clues are there, if you look closely instead of just believing what somebody else tells you the words mean.

The Anunnaki did not create Homosapien/Homo-erectus man (us) from scratch. They used an advanced process of DNA manipulation, genetic experimentation by including some of their own genes mixed with the DNA of the primitive beings, some of which were again already here (caveman, Homo habilis, Denisovans, Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthals etc.) Translating in modern-day beliefs that we were created “in God’s image” and likeness. Today man on our level tries to do similar things.

Some of the early experiments in creating Homosapiens, you have likely never been told, were experiments that let’s say didn’t go too well. But the extra-terrestrial scientists built in safeguards for that too. The extinction process is a programmed way of slowly weeding out failed or failing species, but the flood, meteors and the ice age were other faster ways. Allowing and/or provoking wars between groups of humans was yet another way. Viruses and plagues (such as the plagues of Egypt and the Passover “angel of death” known as Asrael) were yet other ways. It is written that “God” reigned down sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25), but what really happened was not lightning bolts coming from “God’s” hands, it was a mighty weapon fired from a very advanced ship. The same thing happened to Atlantis. You were likely told that it was simply “God” enforcing His righteousness and judgement on disobedient mankind. And that is partially true. But there is much more to it and advanced Eugenics is a discussion for another time.

When it came to the woman, that was another creation endeavor because she had to be constructed to pro-create. Eve was taken from Adam’s rib because she was a clone of man – but now man with a womb (wom-an).  She was bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh because bone and flesh contained the DNA needed to clone him to make her. Also to carry an unborn child for 9 months then give birth to a being that would grow to full size? That took a lot of advanced knowledge and some experimentation, better known and simply explained away in religious circles as “ God’s omnipotence”. Notice people never talk about how it was done. Yet if you remove the spiritual camouflage from the Bible, for example, then read it for exactly what it says, you can see more of the truth. The Bible is both spiritual and very literal.

But if you keep reading your books as if you are 6,000 year old Moses with no modern-day understanding of how things work, you will only understand what they understood back then – very little. They would have thought an airplane was an angel or a cell phone taking their pictures had stolen their souls. They would have bowed down to a helicopter or a drone. Hopefully you get the point. The knowledge we have today must be seen through the eyes of what we know today. And that is where the truth is hiding, at least in part. But let’s get back to the creation of the Homosapien woman.

The first Homosapien woman was not Eve. The first was Lilith, Adam’s first wife. Yes the Bible mentions Lilith, but only once and not favorably. Still, that lets us know Lilith did exist. And that was enough for me to start researching Lilith. In both Islam and Jewish folklore or legends (that is what man calls it when he does not want you to know it was real), Lilith is discussed. Interesting because Judaism and Islam usually do not agree on much. Anyway, Lilith was real. And if you read closely, that would explain the two accounts in Genesis of the creation of man and woman, that first woman being Lilith and the second being Eve. Did you ever wonder why the book of Genesis describes the creation of humans in 2 different ways in 2 different chapters?

So who then created man? Not mankind, but rather man as we exist today? For the most part, Enki (whose symbols are the fish and the goat) and Enlil (Yahweh) were responsible for the creation of man as we know ourselves today. Of course once the switch of creation is flipped on, evolution of man is a natural process. Thus I find it ironic how religion and science have always fought over which happened when both actually happened and still happen today. Religion wants to use the knowledge to control the people and science wants to limit the knowledge or deny it exists because of the huge ego that science has.

Homosapien man, as we know us today, began in Mesopotamia. And as those worshipped as gods brought Homosapien/Homo-erectus man forth, we see our origins in Sumeria (later known as Babylon), Mesopotamia and the garden of Eden. That is a big reason the “creators” focused on those areas along with Egypt.

To connect more dots, you need to know what superior beings were called by name in other cultures, in other geographic areas, belief systems and amongst other groups of people, tribes etc. Enlil is a Sumerian/Babylonian name. But when you look up that name in Hebrew, you find it to be “Yahweh”. That’s right, the same Yahweh (or YHWH) known as God to most. At one point in time Enlil dwelled in Africa and interacted with man. But it was Enki who brought enlightenment to man in the garden of Eden (also in Africa). The enlightenment Enki brought was seen as a bad thing and Enki became known as an adversary to his brother, Enlil. And thus a satan. I should also point out, by the way, that an easy study will prove that Lucifer and Satan are not the same person, though you were likely led to believe they were. The term “satan” is not a name of a being, it is a title, and thus it means “adversary”. Those who are “satans” came from Satania (a place in deep space), hence the true etymology of the name.

As for Lilith, the legend or story goes that she did not want to submit to Adam. Thus she left or was taken away. Enki was in the garden of Eden interacting with her but Enlil (Yahweh) had authority over the garden, for the most part. It was Enlil who was in the garden looking for Adam when Adam and his wife hid themselves. I say for the most part because other powerful alien beings came here also with agendas. They found groups of people they could impress and commanded worship just as the Anunnaki did. The truth be told, that is how and why Moloch, Buddha, Allah and others are worshipped today.

Much of the truth can be found in the very tablets and hieroglyphs concealed by the Europeans and clouded or manipulated in meaning by “the church”, Islam, Judaism etc. Much of the truth can be found in the sacred knowledge of geographic areas they labeled as pagan or occultic and told you to stay away from. Such as Babylon which, while it was largely repulsive in behavior, still contained sacred knowledge. Also lands such as Egypt in Africa, territories raided and plundered by the Europeans, the Romans etc.

What about the virgin birth that Mary had? Thousands of years ago they could not fathom a woman having a child without having been with a man intimately. Today we know that can be done quite easily by using the process called in vitro fertilization. And decades before the term IVF arose, we knew about “test tube babies”. It has been said in the Apocrypha references and in other areas that even Anne (mother of Mary) had Mary as a virgin birth. What you see happening is the Anunnaki using advanced methods to impregnate women. (

By now some of you think I am out of my mind or a “cooke”. Neither. That is just your mind or your religion kicking in a protective mechanism to reject so much truth different from what you have been told. But now you know. And no I don’t take medication. No I don’t drink. No I don’t use drugs, never have. No I did not hit my head. No I don’t watch too many sci-fi movies. No I have never had any mental problem, breakdown etc. I just know the truth and this article just scratches the surface. If you find the truth shockingly hard to swallow, it’s because you have been lied to or only given tiny pieces of the truth for so long that a chunk of truth sounds “weird”. It sounds “out there”, and that is exactly where the truth is. That is where those you worship came from. We humans are full of ego and pride but yet the babies of the solar system. A whole lot happened before we arrived on the scene – with us missing much of it. That is why Mars seems desolate and the moon seems baron (see NASA photos).

I have given you more than enough, for now. Even if you disagree, do the research. I dare you. And just know you will know find but a small portion of the truth regarding the creation of man by reading the Bible, the Quran etc. You will have to be willing to read the books your religious leaders told you to stay away from or never told you about at all, if you want to connect the dots. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Atrahasis, the Apocrypha, the Enuma Elish, the Testament of Solomon, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the book of Enoch, for starters. If you read the Bible, definitely get an English translation written before the 1611 King James version.

So while that is a lot of reading and research, sadly most of you will just find it easier to listen to and believe what you are told on Sunday, Saturday or at the Mosque or Synagogue instead of studying to shew yourself approved. The problem in not studying is that many of your leaders will not lead you to the truth. Either because they don’t know much of it or they have been told not to tell you. Man’s religion and man’s traditions often choke out the truth, identity and all.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;


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