Joe Biden & Donald Trump: We Don’t Understand Danger.

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( Many Americans can openly admit Trump and his administration would be a clear threat to democracy. However, we don’t as a nation seem to understand the danger of this concern. Having and idea of living under terms we wouldn’t find favorable, and actually being in danger are not the same. What we possibly face in the upcoming elections is something none of us, nor our ancestors, have faced. We are looking down the barrel of actually having our way of life as we know it altered. There will be no space for your rights, and the government as we know it will be forever changed. I’m speaking of the kind of change that once allowed to happen may never be righted again. Before we set our minds on global consequences, we must look at what we will face right here in America.

Joe Biden & Donald Trump: We Don’t Understand Danger.

Do you really want the country to be ran by a person that refuses to listen to any council, won’t allow himself to be briefed properly, picks and chooses what laws he thinks are meant to be broken, gives free reign to hate speech and actions, doesn’t care about the environment, and on top of so many other things…he is a convicted felon? If you are able to do so, please set your personal bias aside and think about the country and its future. If you are honest, do you really think our nation can survive another four years of Trump. Think about it long and hard because if you are honest, you’d know this country doesn’t understand danger. What’s sad is Black America, for the first time, doesn’t seem to understand it either.

If you look at states with Republican leadership you will see that the citizens there are fighting for civil rights, reproductive rights, and religious freedom in the face of state administrations that are adamant about breaking those citizens under the ideal of returning America to a great state. This is the same thing Trump wants us to believe can happen if he is elected. The problem with this logic is those administrations are dangerous to minorities, and to white Americans that are not considered wealthy or elite. In Louisiana, the governor passed a ridicules law demanding the Ten Commandments be visibly posted in every public school. As a former Attorney General, I must believe he knows that is a violation of the separation of church and state in this country. It violated the religious rights of citizens all over the state…but he doesn’t care. He, and the Republicans in Louisiana saw fit to do as they please no matted what laws were broken. This will have major implications when school starts for children that are not Christians as they are being forced to acknowledge someone else’s religion.

However, these Republicans that can “indoctrinate” religiously don’t want kids “indoctrinated” in terms of gender, and they can not be taught history verses a fabricated story. I bring these issues up because we can all discuss the harm involved in these kinds of policies on a state level; we can even talk about how stupid the Louisiana state legislature is for allowing such. However, understand that what awaits us with Trump is this and more but on a federal level. Instead of a state(s) violating the rights of its citizens, Americans all over the country will have their rights violate.

Black America, for the most part, sat home on January 6, 2021 in shock as we watch the attack on our nation’s capital on television. While some of us were trying to process what we were witnessing, too many of us were just shaking our heads that what we thought could happen…did happen. Too many of us had been holding out breath observing the nations while controlling a deep-seated uneasiness in our bones that something would happen in this country if Trump didn’t get his way. We weren’t wrong. We knew danger was here…it was no longer in route it was in our face. The problem is that feeling should be lurking again. How many of us are ignoring it while being in our feelings with some false idea of righteousness regarding the voting process. We are questioning where the third option is as though that third option has ever truly existed in a way that could rival the big two. We know very well that the various options simply pull votes from the big two and it will hinder one more than the other.

We are forgetting the history we know to be true regarding our safety as a people… and how we fair against mob rule. Trump is dangerous to our ability to physically exist in this country. His existence as president would threaten our freedom, advancement, and life. Why you ask, because he won’t stop those that feel we are less than second class citizens. It seems we no longer understand danger in this country when it is staring us in the face. Maybe we should table our personal feelings and look at what Trump represents. Yes, Biden is old…and may seem unable to lead, but he’s no where near the threat we know Trump to be. We must decide about the nation we want to live in. We must ensure we are not allowing danger into our homes directly in this next election.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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