June is Apparently Felon Season as Hunter Biden is Found Guilty of 3 Firearms Offenses.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Listen, no one wants to cop to a felony never mind three of them—involving guns. Is this the Achilles heel for President Biden? No. Biden even said Hunter wouldn’t get pardoned if he was convicted and hasn’t decried it as a miscarriage of justice. It’s more of a side quest, it doesn’t factor heavily into the main story but it’s a story nonetheless.

June is Apparently Felon Season as Hunter Biden is Found Guilty of 3 Firearms Offenses.


It doesn’t have the same umph as 34 convictions related to the 2016 Election. This was Hunter Biden being a menace to sobriety on his own time. Having guns while doing crack would actually go some ways to mayor run in Toronto if the late Rob Ford’s time in office is remembered.

Of course, Hunter’s not running for office as a felon. The gravity just isn’t there for it to be a crippling issue worth pushing. Had he been trying to sell federal secrets to get more crack, 100-percent. If the Justice Department found documents that should be in the White House in a trap house: yes. Those are issues of national security and presidential safety because how would a crackhead get their hands on states secrets?

The worst thing Biden could experience from this is embarrassment and having to address it each time it’s brought up as if he were the one who committed the offenses.

Where is the Achilles Heel for Trump and Biden?

If you’re looking for the actual weak spot for both presidential candidates, it’s something we’ve seen televised recently: both have had brain farts and mental stumbles. There’s the belief that President Biden no longer has it upstairs to govern as a strong leader. The man’s 81 and age catches us all eventually, amplify that with managing U.S involvement in two wars that aren’t on U.S territory and there’s an exploitable issue there.

Never mind the physical issues, that’s more of a concern over which fall might be the fall. FDR led the U.S through most of World War II while using a wheelchair, canes, and crutches because his health was deteriorating. That’s World War II. While nowadays able-bodied presidents have become the expectation of candidates, it’s the mental sharpness that factors in heavily to governing ability.

As I see it, a candidate’s physical condition or state is mainly an issue when it comes to being at different meetings or summits. I mean, as a world leader, you have to be present. Health or home arrest can’t be a hinderance. I don’t see Biden being wheeled into a clean energy summit in an iron lung any time soon.

Of course, Trump’s only younger by four years and has had mental gaffes of his own on TV. You could say it’s not as obvious or prevalent but that says more about 45’s mental aptitude in a government role given questions about injecting bleach to combat COVID or reportedly being surprised that Hitler’s generals weren’t as loyal to him as he thought.

Just imagine being in the room with the President and having to tell him he can’t say “Hitler wasn’t all bad” or having to tell other staffers to avoid the Prez because he might have committed treason.

So, Hunter Biden? Caught charges on his own time independent of his father’s political career. The 34 convictions in New York for political benefit? It likely won’t put Trump’s campaign in the dirt. Thinking Hitler is a stand-up guy, buddying up to authoritarians or relief efforts during your administration dropping stale Sour Skittles in Gaza? You’re getting warmer both are egregious. The ravages of time? That might do it—especially if tied in with the mentioned egregious actions.

Staff Writer; James Swift, Jr.

Gaming since 1989 and headbanging since 1999, James enjoys comics, RPGs, wrestling, and all things old school and retro. Check out his writing here AfroGamers and The Black Rock and Heavy Metal. You can also find him on Twitter at; metalswift and soon on Kick where he will stream mobile titles.

One can also contact this brother at; JSwift@ThyBlackMan.com.


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