Real War Is About The Unthinkable.

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( It has been said that “all is fair in love and war”. My position? In most cases war is unnecessary and differences can likely be resolved with mature people yet without the devastation. Unfortunately, most political leaders, military leaders, and the general public think differently so they want to create rules for death, treachery, devastation, displacement and destruction. Listen to what I have to say closely, use your ability to reason and see if it makes sense. War is supposed to be “Hell” and costly for all sides, not comfortable, tolerable, repeated nor long-lasting. Real war is about the unthinkable! Real war needs to be indecent, immoral, vicious and as undesirable as either, both or all sides can make it. Clear cut objectives need to be established and lines once drawn need to be erased. Ironically the powers that be believe the nature of war is to win, but unfortunately the “winners” are those who push war, yet never enter any battlefield. More about that later, I promise you.

Black Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, and White Americans: Real War Is About The Unthinkable.

When any person, nation or group places rules of civility on war, they try to make decent the very nature of something that is indecent, cruel and obviously bad. The intolerable should never be made tolerable because what is tolerable becomes comfortable enough to keep happening. The result? Wars that go on for years or the same wars over the same issues continually arising. Wars that keep occurring in the same places, among the same groups with nothing resolved. Wars without clearly defined agendas and misguided objectives. Wars that should have ended long ago. Wars that seem to drag on and on because the rules are tolerable to all sides and tolerated by the citizens of the countries or factions at war. That is a big mistake.

Decency in both rules of war and rules of engagement only serves to make war tolerable. And what is tolerable is seldomly avoided, which makes war inevitable. You may already disagree with me, but look at the historical evidence. During World War II at the Geneva convention, rules of “decency” in war were developed. What wars did that bring to a screeching halt? Years later the nuclear super powers of the world tried deterrence by using a concept called mutually assured destruction, the idea that the very build-up and potential threat of a nuclear war that nobody could win would stop every nuclear power from using nuclear weapons. That appears to have stalled the use of nuclear weapons. But instead of getting the point, nation after nation used cyber wars, chemical weapons, biological weapons, “freedom fighters (terrorists)” or proxy wars instead. Does it have to be written in crayon for them to understand, do they understand or do they simply refuse to? STOP GOING TO WAR AGAINST EACH OTHER, GROW UP AND RESOLVE YOUR DIFFERENCES PEACEFULLY! That is what man tells his children but then cannot do it himself. What a twisted and ironic contradiction of hypocrisy. Wow, except we be as little children…

Decency and civility in war is an oxymoron all by itself. War is not decent. War is brutal. War is vicious. War is nasty and violent, as it should be. War needs to be full of atrocities and even the very unthinkable so both sides or all sides with think of ways to avoid it, not ways to win it. War must be horrible in order to be avoided. I would therefore contend that the more horrible war is, the more likely people are to avoid it.

THE TRUE NATURE OF WAR IS NEVER DEFENSIVE! The truth nature of war is offensive, to take what the enemy has, subjugate him and/or eradicate him as necessary. Even the side that plays the victim knows this is true. Ironically again, because in many wars, both sides play the victim. Wars are fought over hidden agendas and ideologies, not because one side or the other wants to protect its people. This the truth you will see once you remove the cloaks of propaganda and patriotism. But such a true nature of war must be kept from those who fight it because sharing the truth with them would cause a great awakening. An awakening that these wars were not necessary in the first place. An awakening which would show who is being used and why.

War unfortunately is all too productive – and that is a big part of why wars continue. In war regime changes happen, “undesirables” are eradicated, territory is taken, treasures disappear, key scientists “defect”, technology is stolen, the public becomes distracted, somebody gets richer, somebody gains more power and control and a host of other things happen. And in times past, war stirred the economy. That is a big part of why world bankers played and likely still play both sides, just as they did in World War II. And while I hate to say this, World War II (for example), accomplished quite a bit for quite a few principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and wickedness in high places (natural, spiritual and then some).

If adversaries can have rules of civility, safe zones and humanitarian behavior towards each other, they should be able also resolve their differences without killing each other. Even person, group, ethnicity and nation has a right to survive. But that does not mean their adversary agrees. And as long as one man is willing to take what another man has, without respecting his right to have it, unfortunately there will be wars, rumors of wars and destruction all the way until the time when the trumpet sounds. The claim by world leaders willing to go to war is that they care about their people. But I submit that going to war on any side or every side proves just the opposite. How can anybody claim to care about their people if they pursue a course of action that will cause their people to die, be displaced, starve and suffer? Answer, they can’t.

In a real war, if people would stop playing games, they would have to acknowledge there are no innocents. There are only casualties of war and collateral damage. Yes even women, children and senior citizens. At least that was evident in the mindset of America when they dropped a atomic bomb on 200,000 civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The truth is people caught in the middle are considered “expendable” by those who drag those families, neighborhoods, ethnic groups, territories and lands into war. People caught in the middle like the Palestinians in Gaza and your average Jewish citizen on the streets of Israel. Like the citizens of Russia and the citizens of Ukraine. Historically like the people of Africa in the Congo, Rwanda, Apartheid, and so on. They don’t start these wars, but somehow they get stuck in the middle, being forced to choose a side.

There are therefore no neutral people in war. That is a reality. You are likely against what your enemy (or those made to appear as your enemy) is doing. That means you have chosen a side. And once you choose a side, the other side views you as the enemy. So, even if you do nothing to oppose the bad guys, those who see themselves as the good guys will see you as a new type of enemy. A supporter of the wrong side, a supporter of their adversary. A supporter of their adversary who is a “threat” and who therefore cannot be trusted. Without ever throwing a rock, firing a weapon or hiding a soldier, you have still become part of the problem for the enemy. Warped thinking? Yes. Actually mindsets and beliefs, even subconsciously? You better believe it. That is part of the twisted psychology of war.

In other words, once a citizen chooses a side, he or she becomes part of the problem as seen through the eyes of the opposition. That is a fact, like it or not. And a harsh reality that is playing out even now in the war between Israel and Hamas. If a citizen decides to hide your enemy, give aid to your enemy or otherwise help your enemy in anyway, that citizen becomes your enemy. A dark fact, but a fact nevertheless. So you see, people very rarely remain innocent by virtue of their own actions, what they do or don’t do. You may ask what about the children? Children have parents who choose a side, directly or indirectly. In real war, children fall into the same category as their parents and the children are often the victims of their parent’s choices.

In the movie Crimson Tide, starring Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington, Denzel is the Executive Officer of a nuclear submarine where Gene Hackman is Captain. No greater words could be more relevant and prolific than when Denzel Washington stated (paraphrase) that you cannot defeat the real enemy when you go to war, because the real enemy is war itself. So I ask you, why then do you suppose so many people, military and political leaders, don’t understand that fundamental truth? Because they are blinded by their beliefs and their agenda to the extent that those on the other side become expendable. And the people they profess to care about, the people they say they are protecting, become expendable as well.

These are the truths no one wants to talk about. These are the truth. No one wants to hear. These are the truths no one wants to face because they are so consumed by their enemy that they cannot see the truth. They are so focused on the other side as the enemy that they cannot see that their very mindset and ideology are causing them to lose in the long run.

Wars did not start yesterday. But who has the maturity to make them end tomorrow? Certainly not those at war with each other. Instead, they are like children who lack the maturity to be the bigger person.

IF ANYBODY HAS TO FIGHT, LET IT BE THE PEOPLE AT THE TOP ON ALL SIDES WHO KEEP CAUSING THE CORE DISAGREEEMENTS! But that will never happen because “Puppet-Masters” never fight. They just pull the strings so others can do their dirty work.

Only when war is horrible, intolerable, inhumane, vicious, unrestricted, and devastating to all sides will all sides stand up and stop the wars. But when you can fight comfortable wars with drones and missiles, smart bombs and computer viruses and one day robots and artificial intelligence, those very wars have become too “comfortable” to end.

Babies burned alive, grandmother’s shot in the head, young girls raped, young men beaten to death. All atrocious, all horrible. But that is not just evil or terrorism, that is the real and true nature of war. And that is why war must not be tolerated on any level. Warm must be stopped before it escalates to a new level that people cannot stomach.

Maturity is about accepting the rights of others. Maturity is about not pointing the finger. Maturity is about sharing, not dominating. Maturity is about leading, not ruling. Maturity is about being the bigger person, not the little warrior.

Most people have forgotten the statement Ronald Reagan made many years ago when he was president. In an official address, he wondered how small our differences would be if we were facing something from outside of this world. And you only read the book of Revelation to see that is exactly what is going to happen. You need only check with NASA and the United States UAP or UFO programs that have come to light in the last few years. You need only look at what the Egyptians, the Sumerians and the Hopei Indians and so many other ancient civilizations have said, seen and known. Oh yes, something is coming. And both Christianity and Islam say so too, they just disagree on what or whom. Something/someone more mature than our human leaders. Something/someone wiser and more powerful than our governments and weapons.

Many of you want to avoid talking about the BIBLICAL element and all of this, wars and rumors of wars all around us. But that does not wipe away the truth and the facts. What you see is human proxy wars for what is spiritual and what is here at the hands of principalities, powers, wickedness, dark agendas and beings in very high places. And just as the world was clueless when Noah told them to get ready, so does the world seem to be clueless and preoccupied all over again today. It is raining, but nobody is listening. Are you?

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about PoliticsReligion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;