Devout Christians: The Whole Truth of Biblical Salvation, Part 3 of 5.

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( Getting back to Yeshua and salvation, animal blood sprinkled upon the east end of the Ark of the Covenant would grant forgiveness of sin for only one year. However, sinless human blood that is sprinkled on the west end of the Ark by the High Priest would grant permanent remission of sins, if the proper procedure is followed!

It is known that Yeshua is a direct descendant of King David and King Solomon, in order to be the promised Messiah.  There are those that say technically, Yeshua is not directly descended from King Solomon, but that is because of a mistranslation in the English bible.

Devout Christians - The Whole Truth of Biblical Salvation, Part 3 of 5


When you read Matthew 1:2-16, it is giving the genealogy of Mary, the mother of Yeshua.  The genealogy in Luke 3:23-38, gives the lineage of Joseph, the husband of Mary, a descendant of King David and his son Nathan. Nathan was of the royal family, but not heir to the throne or of the royal line.  However, the error in the English bible is this. The names given in Matthew from after the carrying away to Babylon, to Jesus (verses 12-16), are Salathiel, Zorobabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Sadoc, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus.  Jechonias was at or before the exile to Babylon, so you do not count him a second time.

Therefore, if you count from Salathiel to Joseph, that is twelve generations.  Mary and her husband would be the same twelfth generation, since husband and wife would be (share) one generation.  That makes Jesus the thirteenth generation.  But verse seventeen says that there were fourteen generations from Babylon to Christ.  Is it that Matthew could not add correctly?  He was a tax collector.

His addition was correct.  It is the English, and the Greek translations that are wrong. Matthew wrote his gospel in the Hebrew language.  This exposed errors in two areas.  First, the oldest known Hebrew gospel of Matthew is preserved in the Jewish archives, and verse sixteen says:

And Yaakov begat Yoseph, the head of household of Miriam, of whom was born Yeshua.

Head of household means that a man named Joseph was the father of Mary. The translators from Hebrew to Aramaic were not definitive in the verse which spoke of Joseph, the father of Mary.  Then, the translators from Aramaic to Greek confused Mary’s father, named Joseph, with Mary’s husband, also named Joseph.  So the English bible inherited the error from the Greek text. The second error we will reveal later in this series.

This also means that Mary was the firstborn and had no brothers.  Otherwise, the royal bloodline would have been passed to her oldest brother.  Therefore the bloodline ends with Yeshua, the firstborn of Mary. This fulfills the promise that was made to King David. But what about the promise that was made to Moses?

Only a Levite, of the priestly line of Aaron, could become high priest, enter into the Holy of Holies, and sprinkle blood on the mercy seat of the Ark.  It is a little-known fact that Yeshua was more Levite than He was a Judean.  This was accomplished by “the seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15).

Mary, the mother of Yeshua, and Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, were first cousins.  Mary’s mother was the younger sister of Elisabeth’s mother.  Both mothers were of the priestly lineage of Aaron (Luke 1:5).

Mary’s mother, being a priestly Levite, married (the head of household) Joseph, a Judean, who was of the kingly line of David. This union gave their daughter Mary twenty-three priestly chromosomes, and twenty-three kingly chromosomes.  The priestly autosomes having precedence over the kingly. Mary passed all of her attributes to Yeshua, allowing Him to be both King, and High Priest (like unto the order of Melchizedek)!!

Without the correction in Matthew’s genealogy, Yeshua would not be a descendant of the kingly line of David and Solomon. Therefore, Matthew gives the (blood) genealogy of Mary, and Luke gives the (legal) genealogy of Joseph, the husband of Mary.  This qualified Yeshua to be the Cohen Gadol (divine High Priest), and the sacrificial blood to be linked to His name.

We will speak of that second error in the next paragraph.  Here, I’d like to correct the false perceptions that Yeshua was born on December 25th, and in a cave or barn.  Please go to “The Whole Truth of the Birth of Yeshua” to learn the gospel truth.

The second error that we earlier spoke of, which has been more costly, is found in Matthew 28:18-19. As mentioned earlier, Matthew wrote his gospel in the language of Hebrew, not Aramaic.  In the King James Bible, Matthew 28:18-19 says the following:

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Verse nineteen is Satan’s second most successful falsehood.  The first being “Thou shall not surely die”, back in Genesis.  Matthew 28:18-19, in the Hebrew says this:

  1. Yeshua drew near to them and said to them: “To me has been given all power in the heavens and on the earth”.

19 “Go ye and invite all the people to believe in my name and to do my words”

The Catholic regime added baptism, and changed the words “in my name”, to “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”, in order to establish the false Trinitarian doctrine.  With that forgery taken out of Matthew 28:19, it collaborates with what is written in Luke 24:47, which says:

And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

Therefore, in what name did the Apostles baptize converts?  Was it in the name of Jesus?  NO!!  The name “Jesus” has no Hebrew meaning, and did not exist until after AD 1612.

End of Part 3.

Devout Christians: The Whole Truth of Biblical Salvation, Part 4 of 5.

Staff Writer; Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.

Note: Recently Herman published a new book which is entitled; The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism Kindle Edition.

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