(ThyBlackMan.com) The brutal public judging and killing of Mr. Jordan Neely, a poor, homeless, mentally-ill Black man in New York City, offers again life-and-death evidence of the need to expand the discussion and solution concerning gun violence to include the American culture of violence itself. And the masses of Black people who are out demonstrating in defiance and demanding justice for him are to be praised and supported in their and our righteous and relentless struggle for an inclusive justice and public safety.
Indeed, it is yet another case of a Black man sacrificed on the insatiable altar of Whites’ violent perception and pursuit of public safety at the incalculable expense of Black people’s right to security and life, a public policy and social practice that must be condemned and resisted. Mr. Neely’s killing is a graphic and grossly savage example of a public spectacle of the sacrifice of a Black life in the midst of assisting, cheering and championing the “conquering” killer who choked Mr. Neely until he was dead and held him in the chokehold even after his body went limp. This, of course, recalls other similar human sacrifices of Black victims under the camouflage of law, order, fear, self-defense and public safety.
Tragically, this cold-blooded taking of Black life offers additional proof to already abundant evidence that the problem of and solution to gun violence is not only in the restriction and restraining of gun access, use and models for mass killing. Rather, it also requires rightful attentiveness to the problem and plague of systemic and social violence woven deep in the fabric of America’s founding and functioning, especially in matters of race and oppression.
In the context and practice of the pathology of racist oppression, there is a need to demonize and dehumanize Black people in order to undermine and obscure the ethical imperative to recognize and respect them as full human beings worthy of humane and equal treatment and as having the right to safety and life also. Indeed, so demonized and dehumanized, it is difficult to feel anything for them except fear, hatred and hostility and thus, they are not seen or imagined as victims even when they are violently and fatally victimized publicly or privately.
This is clear in a review of comments on the internet and in the public media, where Mr. Neely’s right to life, safety or sanctuary is dismissed or denied and he is characterized as unworthy of empathy, compassion or consideration. Indeed, in their minds, he has so many strikes against him before they even learn his history in the dignity-denying way they had already assumed, but did not know and which still does not justify his public murder. He is poor, homeless, mentally-ill and perhaps most indicting, he is a Black man and therefore, by racial definition and social default, a self-evident menace to society.
Thus, his public murder is deemed justified and therefore there is no need for arrest or accountability for the killer. Indeed, he is questioned and released and praised for his brutal and fatal intervention and the Mayor informs us that the issue is complicated and we need to wait on the process, a position he would undoubtedly not take with White ethnics of the city concerning one of them so vulnerable and fatefully victimized.
Clearly, the would-be-mighty former Marine, Daniel Penny, as his predatory prowess against his vulnerable victim demonstrated, was capable of subduing Mr. Neely, but by what strange moral reasoning or sense of public safety was there a need to then choke him to death? And what kind of persons or people are those who helped hold him down until he was dead, and those who cheered or silently watched as he was killed without uttering a word of concern, care or even questioning? It is this murder and merciless act of participatory and celebratory anti-Black violence that led some to remember and call it a public lynching. And then there is the corporate media, using what Min. Malcolm called the “science of image-making”, turning the victim into the criminal and the criminal into the victim. Again, it is the operation of a racist system that racialized crime, calling it Black, and then criminalized the targeted race, Black people. This means a perpetual indictment without possibility of exoneration or rehabilitation after the indictment.
But the massive killing of Black men, women and children in various venues has not made and will not make America safer, for the problem, as our people say, Lord knows, is not us. It is rather how White Americans who rule this country, in spite of performance DEI platitudes and promises, conceive of themselves and how they conceive and approach the world and all in it. Indeed, the problem of violence is systemic, a problem of the heart and mind and the structures and practices this produces and sustains. This includes: Whites imagining themselves the racial and religious lords and elect of the world; embracing the gun, drones, missiles and other weapons in worshipful ways; and engaging violence as the indispensable and essential means to solve problems, quell dissent, conquer, control, exploit, and crush different and vulnerable persons and peoples, deal best with designated enemies and ruthlessly pursue the interests of empire.
Thus, again, the problem is not simply gun culture violence evidenced in the continuous rash of mass shootings and killings, which certainly must be dealt with decisively, but rather the culture of violence, itself, and the will and commitment to injure and kill that come with it, whether the killing is state-sanctioned or vigilante, political or personal, and whether it’s with gun, knee or knife, chokehold, rope or rock.
This means America must not try to hide from its history and current policies and practices of violence, which caused Dr. Martin Luther King to describe it as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world”, but rather confront and struggle to radically change them. And it also means that there must be a radical rethinking and realization, through struggle, of a public safety, inclusive of all and providing not only security of person but also security of rights, health, housing, income, education and other human goods for everyone and a deep and continuing commitment to the well-being of the world and all in it.
Written by Dr. Maulana Karenga
Official website; https://www.maulanakarenga.org/
A spokesperson for the New York City Police Department stated that Neely has been arrested 42 times between 2013 and 2021, according to Newsweek. Four assault-related charges were filed in connection with the arrests, along with allegations of transit fraud and criminal trespass. Neely also had a warrant out for his arrest related to an alleged assault that occurred in 2021 at the time of his death.
In 2019, Neely attacked Filemon Castillo Baltazar, 68, on the platform of the W. 4th St. Station in Greenwich Village, according to the New York Daily News. “Out of nowhere, he punched me in the face,” the victim told the local newspaper.
Neely was arrested again in 2021 for a subway assault on a 67-year-old woman, whom he allegedly hit in the face as she exited an East Village subway station, according to court papers. The woman suffered a broken nose and orbital bone. Neely pleaded guilty and received an alternative-to-incarceration program that let him dodge jail.
Learn to choose your heroes more carefully.
“MR” Neely is poor, homeless and mentally ill.
“Mentally Ill” – a person with psychiatric disabilities, psychiatric illnesses, emotional disorders, mental disabilities. That means mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, personality disorders or psychotic disorders (such a schizophrenia). It is defined as a health condition involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these).
The mere ignorance –
What is in Daniel Penny’s background? Is he mentally ill with a diagnosis hidden in his military medical record because of HIPPA laws such as PTSD that he could “murder” someone in cold blood? Is he a veteran of the Afghanistan war, Desert Storm, Iraq, etc. – the story untold or story unknown? Who else has he done this to or been violent towards (such as an ex-wife, children that are afraid of him), etc.? His predatory prowess against a vulnerable homeless and mentally ill man makes me ashamed to be a 36-year service veteran where we are trained to be smart and be thinkers. And then there’s THAT – turning the victim into the criminal and the criminal into the victim. LEAVE THAT MAN (Mr. Neely) alone! It’s enough that “Penny” killed him. Must you continue to “hail the devil”?
If you have mentally ill persons in your family,frequently check on them.I have been doing this for years in my community and have found some of these individuals locked up in a local jail where they are often beaten up and abused.I can recall having more than one argument with local law enforcement officials when I asked them to verify that they do or do not have a particular mentally ill person in their custody. Some of them even threatened me with incarceration for even making my inquiry.White males do not have the right to grab you, or to choke you to death.Insist that they keep their hand off of you, and your love ones. Too many African Americans are afraid of white people, and have very little experience supervising them. This is by design.Don’t you ever wonder why so many of America’s supervisors are white ?
Yup!!! That’s the real conversation that no one really wants to have. It only becomes an issue when it’s a white person killing a black man.
But the numbers don’t fit the narrative of the left. Sin is the issue not skin. Very simple we are a fallen creature. Interesting that there was only one perfect human being and we killed Him.
I could barely read through this article, so many lies, inconsistencies and pandering to the victimhood class. When are we going to stop using tragedies like this further coddle the criminal class that preys on its own people. This man had been arrested 42 times and almost all of his victims were Black people, his own family members. and people who lived in his community. No doubt, this will inspire the gullible (led by screeching interlopers and race hustlers who are actually happy when these things happen) to go into the streets and start destroying their own neighborhoods and attacking people who had nothing to do with it. I feel remorse for his family whose heart is broken but we cannot canonize everyone who minutes before his death was making life hell for his victims and other innocent bystanders just because he happens to “look like us”.
A miss-guided and mindless inflammatory article. It’s incredulous how any action at self-defense gets turned into a racist act for which BLM and Anifa violence and civil disruption gets glorified. Yes, it is sad what happened to Mr Neely but Mr Neely was a violent person and well-known threat. Responses like that of Mr Eugenio above underscores the hypocrisy of what could have been a just movement to address racial disparities. Fact well known by anyone with an intellect, blacks can be and are just as racist as any white, or oriental or middle eastern or member of any race on this planet. Study the Nyankunde Ziare massacre. I lived and worked in that village where blacks from one tribe unproved started killing blacks from another, even patients in the hospital. And does anyone remember Rwanda?
Right argument, bad example. Did they cheer because it was the killing of a black man or because their tormentor, the man who took advantage of people in a vulnerable situation had been subdued, sadly by death? Neely had assaulted a woman on the train before, punched her in the face and broke her nose. His propensity for violence had been documented. Do you wait for the man to strike first again or do you subdue him? If my mother where on the train the answer would be the later. You feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed on a train and if you feel threatened it is terrifying.
In the military and as a security guard for over 20 years being in altercations defending myself and patrons of the establishments where I worked, I have made the conscious choice to respond with non-lethal action. People have attacked with knives guns, brass knuckles first sticks… you name it. I have also had the honor to see bystanders risk their lives to subdue violent people with non-lethal force. The person how killed Neely also had that choice. So did the people around them. They chose to kill and to assist at taking someone’s life. There is no excuse. Say what you want but I believe it racially motivated murder. Even criminals deserve their day in court.
In the military and as a security guard for over 20 years being in altercations defending myself and patrons of the establishments where I worked, I have made the conscious choice to respond with non-lethal action. People have attacked with knives guns, brass knuckles fist sticks… you name it. I have also had the honor to see bystanders risk their lives to subdue violent people with non-lethal force. The person how killed Neely also had that choice. So did the people around them. They chose to kill and to assist at taking someone’s life. There is no excuse. Say what you want but I believe it racially motivated murder. Even criminals deserve their day in court. You go ahead and act like you wouldn’t be furious if your violent or mentally ill family member was killed in such a way though.
Another article only focused on what the author wants and leaving out key facts on both sides of the story. Articles like this are what push “racist sentiments” and should be checked before being allowed to post… Author is clearly pushing an agenda and is trying to victimize everyone because of the acts of one troubled individual. The victim was far from an innocent person but go on lets not publish any that.
I totally disagree with you on that first statement that you made. It has been proven that the Caucasian race are more racist than any other race, not saying that the other’s are not prejudice, but more likely a white person to be prejudice than any other race.
No that has not been proven. That is a stupid assumption you wish to be true.
I agree with what you are saying but the article is not well writen and the title sucks. I can see a lot of people being confused by it or just choosing not to write it.
I don’t believe for a minute that the majority of whites are any more prejudiced than any other race. I think we all have a problem with people that are different than ourselves. This can only be changed by following Jesus teachings to Love everyone as your brothers and sisters.
This incident should be proof enough to black America to understand that our lives as human beings are not worth a penny in the eye of the children of our former slave masters. Racist America will never care about the life of a black person and they will rejoice upon the lynching of any black men, black women or black LGBT. There is nothing we can do to change the racist minds of white people in America because they themselves cannot help that they are indeed racist, bias, prejudice and full of hatred towards anything that is not like them. White America will give out medals of valor to any white men that kills a black men and give promotions to any white women that lies on any black men in the workplace.
America will always hate, fear and envy the black men of America and the white men will never allow black people to be equal to them in any respect; even, if the black person is more intelligent and successful than a white person. It is waste a time to make racist America understand that Mr. Nelly was murder by a racist Marine Corp Veteran but if the table were turned and Mr. Nelly was a white man and the Suspect a black man, then should would have seen every news media and Caucasian person demanding for the arrest and lynching of the black suspect.
I have a solution to this problem and it is an eye for eye. Every time a racist white men takes a black Christian child away from us with no justifiable reason then we should a dozen things away from their community within a two week period. I am asking all black men, black women, black LGBT to prepared yourselves and exercise your second amendment rights by legally purchasing your guns, rifles, shotguns, ammunitions, bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmets to protect our community from the onslaught of the Replacement theory which is supported by racist white America to include the two face Democrats and the careless or carefree Republicans.
Remember, that while our American government is telling blacks and brown skin people to turn in their guns for gift cards, PlayStation, fried chicken and watermelons; the white people on the other hand are purchasing more guns, more ammo, more survival gear and more Kevlar for themselves, family member and love ones in order to prepared to fight a future war with blacks and other minorities. White Americans are preparing for war; therefore, black people should prepared to win that war.
everybody wants war and death, you forget that a guy terrorizes people, and they react. would you have sat there and let Neely act crazy towards you. I doubt you would just sit there and take pity on him. You are talking from a simple-minded perspective. get out of your brainwashed bubble and go meet some people not like you
This is the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while. You have to be trolling for laughs.
Deliberate and disingenuous omission of criticism of the BLACK Man that helped restrain Jordan Meely. The hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter narrative: No expressed outrage and cry for “Justice” when blacks kill blacks (aka gang violence, domestic arguments,…) The silence is deafening. Obvious question for you: Would you stand by idly if one of your beloved family members were threatened by Neely? Would you dare to attack any black man (or woman) who is the aggressor? IF you are honest and sincere, you would admit to rendering defensive aid. If you are a hypocrite (which I suspect you are under such circumstances), you will give an evasive answer (aka a lie) to embrace a vile narrative.