America Hates “Black” People.

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( You know it’s true, but if you don’t, you are sound asleep on the pillow of denial. America hates “black” people. Look at the irony. Import slaves from Africa, force them to build a country then refuse to treat them as equals. In fact, treat them just the opposite. Embed institutional racism. Blur the history and get upset when people tell the truth about it. That’s America. And in case you didn’t know, the real reason Donald Trump became president is because he represented the real America, the one without the cowardly Klan robe hiding who it is.

Let me preface this article by saying I live in a major global city where I have experienced very little overt racism. But I know it’s there and I have seen, spoken to and counseled more people of color than you would believe who have been victims of racism, discrimination, racial profiling, quotas and then some. I am not bitter from my personal experiences. And since I have achieved quite a bit in my lifetime, I do not make excuses for ANYBODY nor America holding me back. But my personal experiences, though largely positive, do not change the truth of what exists in America against “blacks” as a people.

I would say Americans have been programmed to hate “black” people, but no programming was necessary because the hate was embedded in the very actions, ideology and attitudes of the American “forefathers” who would have been executed as traitors if they had lost the war against the British. Hating “black” people is rooted in the foundation of America. We all know it, no matter what color, nationality or ethnicity you are.

Today “black” life from the womb to the police stop does not matter to many Americans. Even unarmed, “black” people are perceived as a threat. Cases in point. Sandra Bland, unarmed but dead. George Floyd, unarmed but dead. Eric Garner, unarmed but dead. Ahmaud Arbery, unarmed but dead. The list goes on and on, and those are just the ones that made it on video.

 Black America

To make matters worse, then there are Cointel Pro coons of color almost everywhere we turn. People of color who have forgotten who they are, or never knew. People who think they have “arrived” in the “promised land” because they can become a mayor, sheriff, DA, judge, police officer or city council member. People with no loyalty to their own kind, but plenty of loyalty to Massa. People who fail to realize most of their power is only over their own, not the middle and upper class Caucasian community. Sad, lost, confused traitors they are. But they need to know this, no other race nor ethnicity respects a traitor who turns on his or her own kind. Such a person will turn on anybody and cannot be trusted. People who would have told on the slaves trying to escape – and will do so today.


Many of you would rather argue against and criticize this article than shake off the programming and accept the truth because the truth hurts. You would prefer to keep living under the illusion that America is in your corner. The truth is black people are not equal in America, neither treated nor perceived as equal to any ethnicity in the United States. Not even during the shortest month of the year allocated as “black history month”. A month that celebrates black history from slavery to now, yet with no solid connection to the awesome ancestry and identity of the Africa which brought forth kings, queens, warriors and pharaohs. America wants you to forget all that and most of you already have. You have forgotten because you do not know who you are.

Hosting a talk show or game show, bouncing a ball, catching a ball, playing a doctor on a comedy show, hitting a ball, winning an award or shaking your bottom on a stage to a sold out concert does not mean your people are free. Even when both a former president and a vice-president look like you, that does not mean your people are free. Though it seems you can work next to Massa, sit in church next to Massa, drive the same kind of car and live in the same type houses, that does not mean your people are free. If your people as a whole own very little and control even less, your people are not free.

By now many of you may be saying “we can’t change anybody’s minds”. But that is not true. Minds change every day and the truth is the light that shines in their eyes. Some may continue to think the same way, but it does not take the majority of America to cause a rolling snowball, ripple or domino affect needed to bring about real change. Not the kind of fake change where they smile at you while they would cringe if you dated their daughters. Real change.

So then, if you see, accept and understand the truth, what are you going to do about it? If you say “there is nothing that can be done”, you are already helping the battle for equality drop out of the bottom. A battle that will bring with it a boomerang-like karma. If you will stand up, step up, speak up and man up (or woman up), you can be a vessel of change in America. If you are afraid, don’t be. Courage is not about following the crowd. Courage is about having the strength and willpower to stand, even if you must stand alone, and not just praising Martin Luther King Jr. who did. If you are brainwashed by propaganda that makes people ignore and forget the truth, you are in the dark, but you don’t have to stay that way. You can actually begin to wake up once you make the choice to do so. What change then does America have to make?

Until America stops white-washing the truth, denying the history of this country, camouflaging the treachery, institutionalizing the racism, profiling for black mass incarceration, fearing discussions on critical race theory, pushing the murder of unborn children in the womb, programming the police against people of color and making those of us who tell the truth out to be the bad guys, there will never be equality in this country for African Americans nor black people. So ask yourself if you are a part of the problem or part of the solution. But whatever you do, wake up to the truth and share it with others. That is where change begins.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;

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