Are We Headed to Voluntary Segregation.

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( I can admit that I am not very keen on being the only black family in my neighborhood. It’s not wrong to place some worth or status where you live but at what price must we have the ideal home in the non-black part of town. Many of our people fought to get out the “hood” and some of the older middle class black communities. It was a sign that they had arrived financially and had worked extremely hard against all odds to get to said place. Maybe it is time to look at the mindset of black people after “enslavement”. Maybe its time to consider going back to living amongst each other…not because we are forced by the law of segregation, but because it might be a safer option.

It is understood per the history books that our predecessors fought for the right to be equal in this country; this meant in part the right to live where ever we chose. We fought against segregation in housing, education and public transportation. We did want to be confined to an existence that was less than that of citizenship. However, decades later, and with some advancements, we are still righting for the rights of a citizen in this country. We are nor treated equally, and equal protection under the law is empty words for many black people u this country.

Many of our ancestors, post enslavement, wanted to be left alone to live in peace…not only were they not allowed but there was no urge to live among white people. After the horrific trauma that was slavery that was understandable. Furthermore, there was a better chance for us a people to pool our resources and try to protect one another living together in community.

Our people have been getting killed in this country that is nothing new, unfortunately. The police have been constantly used as a weapon against our people. In no place in this country are we immune to racism, and white privilege. There are so many things we should be able to do as citizens in this country without fear of harassment nor harm but that is not reality. This past week local rapper, P. Kdog had the police called on him at the gate of the community he lives in. You can’t make us believe the security guard didn’t know he lived there. In certain communities we can be have a home and be harassed at the front door of said home. When this continues the question at what point do we pack everything up and live in our own communities.

We should pour funds into our communities and invest in middle and upper-class communities of our own where our presence is not a threat to our lives. It could be time to consider separating ourselves for our safety, and that of our children. We have to begin to look at the psychological effect it has on our children to live in communities whereby they are not welcome, and their humanity is not acknowledged. There is no crime in living amongst your own, and we should not feel guilty for protecting self, and desiring to live where we are welcomed.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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