Black Arrogance vs. White Arrogance.

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( Black people in this country have as much a right as any to be prideful. But it is no secret that when we are proud or confident for whatever reason, other races, namely white people, are quick to label our pride as arrogant or self serving. I’ve noticed that in this country, when a black man or woman voices how great they are, they are looked at as either comical or unforgivably narcissistic. When a black man is different, or makes an attempt to stand out, he is just weird. Or again, the thinking seems to be “How dare you try to be unique? You’re no better than anyone else. How egotistical of you.” But most white men of the same cloth are usually labeled eclectic or genius.

Since the days of Muhammad, Malcolm, and Martin things haven’t really  changed with regards to what a black man can get away with in the court of public opinion versus what a white man can. And speaking of the white man, I have a theory about him and his own unique, as it were, style of arrogance. It’s been around for a while. He disguises it in his comedy and intellect, which he believes is always superior to that of other people. Yes, I am referring to the almighty sarcasm; those clever, witty quips that the white man or woman shoots out like a harpoon during everyday conversation to make you feel like the biggest loser who ever lived.

I believe sarcasm began as a defense mechanism for white people. Maybe it was an ingenious excuse for lying. But now it has become a real weapon of choice. Think about how easy it is to hide, especially when someone thinks you’re being funny. You can insult a person’s intelligence without them knowing it because they are too busy laughing out loud. And the quickest white person will get you every time. Pay close attention the next time you talk to one of your smart white friends. Try and count the number of times he or she makes a smart comment either to be funny or to sneak in an insult.

If you think I’m ridiculous watch Chelsea Lately or any of those other shows that come on primetime or the unoriginal rom-coms Hollywood is putting out now. Their comedy lies in the quickness of their sarcasm. A perfect example of this is the movie Juno. Go back and watch that movie and pay close attention to the dialogue. Then come back and tell me I’m crazy. I dare you.

Now some black people have caught on to this trend and are trying to incorporate it in their repertoire. Listen to our rappers. Today it’s all about word play and wit. Every now and then I saw Chelsea Handler put a black comedian on her panel and it almost never worked. Why? Because for the most part, like our cultures, black comedy is different from white comedy. It isn’t that black people aren’t quick; but it is a different kind of quick; more direct. The same can be said of our own brand of arrogance.

So what exactly is my point here? The point is the exploration of the cultural differences within this society. I believe exploration can and should lead to understanding. But my problem with this situation is this enduring idea that the sarcastic, self deprecating white man is more humble than the boastful and outspoken man of color. I have a problem with Conan O’Brien being able to ask for a street to be named after him and everyone thinks it’s cool or funny or that it should actually happen! What if Denzel made the same request? I guarantee you some writer for the L.A. Times would analyze his entire career in order to judge whether he deserves such acknowledgement. And somewhere in that sea of words you would find “egomaniacal” or “presumptuous” or “outrageous”. But Conan O’Brien, who in my opinion isn’t that funny and hasn’t contributed anything to society of any merit, can ask for a street to be named after him and with no backlash. Why, because he’s a comedian? Because it’s funny?

I maintain that the white man is far and away the most arrogant entity on the planet. You have to be a pompous individual to even imagine going all over the world and conquering indigenous peoples wherever you find them; especially when you are the global minority. One does not have to be loud and in your face to be a jerk. He can be sly, funny, and even charming. Billy Shakespeare may have said it best, “That one may smile and smile and be a villain.”

Staff Writer; Jeremy Tate

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