African Americans: 5 Ways to Live Longer.

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( The medical field has definitely changed today than it was 50 years ago.  Black women and men have taken better care of their health within the last 15 years, but unfortunately, that kind of news isn’t reported enough.  Simply changing the foods, we eat and be mindful of our daily activities can help us live longer lives than those who have passed on before us due to chronic illnesses and diseases.

Now of course, we will all eventually pass on into eternity one day, because that’s the process that our Creator has designed for us.  However, we can prevent dying from cancers and other terminal illnesses if we do these five things below, that will help us live longer:

Eat healthy often.

Begin creating healthier eating habits for yourself and your family.  You don’t go vegan or be a plant based fanatic, but simply doing things such as baking your meats verses frying them can make a huge difference in your life and for your health.  Create balance and enjoy that piece of cake of your cheat day, without feeling bad about it afterwards.

Black Couple In Love.


Regularly exercising has tons of benefits.  According to an article on Healthline, it stated that, “Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally.  It may even help you live longer (PubMed Central, 2019).  We all know by now that exercising increases our energy, helps with our skin care, reduces risks of chronic diseases, helps with weight loss and so much more.  Whether you prefer going to the gym, doing it at home or doing it outside in the arms of Mother Nature, EXERCISE REGULARLY!

Connect to the Source.

Prayer and meditation is good for the heart, body and soul.  Staying connected to the Source of life, is the key ingredient to living longer.  Let’s look at this in practical way, if you are in constant alignment and communication with the Source, you don’t have the time or the beliefs to indulge in any unhealthy habits or activities that will cause harm to your mind, body or soul.

Limit your consumption of alcohol beverages and cigarettes.

I love mimosas and a good cocktail every now and then, but excessive drinking is damaging to our organs (and can cause weight gain as well).  Black men especially, are prone to diseases such as lung or liver cancers due to years of excessively smoking and drinking.  There are certain toxins in tobacco and alcohol, so please limit your consumption of alcohol beverages and cigarettes.

If you have a medical history of long-term illnesses or diseases that run in your family, make sure to get educated on preventive methods to reduce your risks.  Talk to your physicians about any concerns you have if you’re currently have a medical condition.  If your physician doesn’t listen to you, find one who will!  Talk to your spouse or partner about their medical history and help them live longer as you learn and grow old, together.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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