Hard medical conditions and its demands.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The demand for medical marijuana is high in Jacksonville, a city in Florida since it is very populated. Medical marijuanas Jacksonville Fl could pass for a household name or better still a brand. Due to the high demand for medical marijuana in Jacksonville, a lot of dispensaries are being established and a lot of patients are moving to this area.

As a potential patient, a lot of questions come to mind, most importantly how to get approval for medical marijuana. We will highlight the basics below.

What a Medical Marijuana Card is Used For?

Since marijuana is known to be a commonly abused drug, certain laws have been put in place to check its use and make sure they are used properly. So, a marijuana card gives you the license to use marijuana as prescribed under medical use without excesses.

Medical Marijuana Card

What Processes Are Involved to Get Approval For Medical Marijuana In Jacksonville?

There is no particular process for getting medical marijuana approval in the city of Jacksonville. It is the same in the entire Florida. Here are the steps to follow:

  • fill out an online form to set up an initial appointment with a certified marijuana doctor;
  • you will meet in person with a state-licensed marijuana doctor to assess your symptoms and endorse your eligibility;
  • once you are eligible, a recommendation will be sent to the Florida Department of Health by your doctor;
  • after your appointment, you will be sent mail containing your login details for the Florida Department of Health portal for patients;
  • once you log in, you have to fill out the registry identification application card and proceed to make the payment mandated by the state.

Once all these steps are completed, you will get a temporal medical marijuana card credentials through email. With this printed out, you can have access to any dispensary that sells marijuana products across the state.

What Conditions Guarantee Your Approval For Medical Marijuana in Jacksonville

To know if you are eligible for medical marijuana usage, your condition must be summed up into these two categories. They are:

  • you must be diagnosed by a certified doctor with a qualifying condition;
  • you must be a permanent or temporary resident of the state.

To narrow it down and spell out what we refer to as qualifying conditions, the following list gives insight. In Florida, the list is long. As stated by the Senate Bill 8A of the state. Here are some of the list:

  • cancer;
  • crohn’s Disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • glaucoma;
  • multiple Sclerosis;
  • Parkinson’s Disease;

The qualifying conditions are not restricted to the aforementioned alone, other qualifying conditions are classified as follows:

  • any disease that is diagnosable and debilitating of the same kind or class. It could be along the trail of anxiety, depression, and migraine;
  • terminal conditions spelt out by a doctor other than your marijuana doctor;
  • chronic malignant pain.

It will not be out of place to conclude that once your condition demands for the use of medical marijuana, you are qualified for it. Of course, it must be with the endorsement of a licensed health practitioner.


It is very important to note that whether or not you are a permanent resident in the state of Florida, you still qualify for medical marijuana depending on your condition. The regulations and procedures involved in getting approval for medical marijuana are not burdensome at all. Even from the comfort of your home, you can begin the process and only get scheduled for an in-person meeting when it is certain that you will be attended to.

Staff Writer; Larry Shaw