10 Simple Tricks to Make Your Spouse Happy.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Keeping your life partner happy is not a rocket science. There are many simple tricks to make your spouse happy and show him/her how much you love. Many of today’s couples complain about their partner’s many shortcomings. Don’t be one of them when you can keep him/her happy by simply following some easy tips.

1. Forgive fast

So, your wife made a mistake and you’re not happy with that. You showed your anger and now things are not getting better. She’s a human, after all, and like everyone, she can also make mistakes. Forgive her and if she still feels sad, remind her of so many good things she did for you and at the same time, you also remind yourself that you’re also not a perfect human being.

2. Make a phone call for no reason

Call your partner and say those ‘three magical words’. And if she asks why you called, tell her that you miss her presence. Small things can always bring positive changes. You don’t need to take her to some new places to make her feel better, your sweet words can make her days better.

3. Praise the qualities, even the small things

You always know how good he/she is. But sometimes, things become better when you say it to them. It doesn’t mean that without saying your partner can’t understand that you value their qualities, but when we notice small things and admire people, they realize how special they are.

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4. Make him feel that you need him

Men are born protectors. Make your man feel like you want him to protect you and keep you safe. Men feel happier when they find their partner asking for a safe haven in their arms.

5. Bring back those date nights

When a couple regularly spends time together, the romance, fun and freshness in love starts fading away. To bring back the excitement and charm of the first date, bring those date nights back in life. Plan something together. Share the idea with your partner and plan something together. If you can keep it a surprise, it would be wonderful.

6. Always be polite

Even if you are together for life, never make your partner feel that you have started disrespecting them. Both man and woman need to be respected and it should not only remain in words, your actions must reflect how much respect you have for each other. Your next generation will see you and learn from you. So, make sure being an ideal couple for them.

7. Support without criticizing

Support your partner when he/she is down. Don’t criticize. Keep that “I told you so” attitude away. Everybody makes mistakes, so don’t consider it as a chance to criticize. If you don’t stop and criticize, you will make your partner hate you and himself/herself.

8. Sing for your partner

No matter how good or bad your voice is, you can always sing for your love. At least two lines of a song or a poem you can sing. If she laughs or enjoys it, don’t react in a negative way. If she laughs, laugh at yourself, if she enjoys it, let her ask you for more. Life is a result of how we act and how we react, so always keep things positive.

9. Stand up for your partner

Life partner is the biggest strength for anyone who truly cares about relationships. If you find your partner helpless and surrounded by problems, jump into the war zone and fight for your love. Never let your partner face problems alone.

10. Keep the inner child alive

Ask your partner not to let that inner child go away from life. We all have those feelings when we just behave like kids. Regardless of our age, we become kids. Of course, you can’t do this everywhere, but when you two are together, just adore that inner child and keep it alive.

The most important thing is letting your partner fly. If she has dreams or if he has some dreams, help your partner reach those dreams. You are the one who can encourage and help your partner fulfill those dreams. Don’t just live together because you’re bound by a social agreement, live each moment because these moments will never come back.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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