(ThyBlackMan.com) You heard it right. Was our Kevin Samuels set up and murder by a member of the # me to movement and a feminist under the handling of the DNC and the white supremacy government of the United States in order to stop and deter Kevin Samuels from becoming ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Going food shopping feels like getting punched in the gut. You pick up a whole roasting chicken, hoping it will feed four, and see the price: over $10 in many New York area stores — a staggering $18 if the bird’s organic. Apples are close to $3 a pound. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When the Supreme Court overturned Section Five of the Voting Rights Act, it struck a blow to voting rights. No longer did states with a history of discrimination have to submit their plans to make electoral changes to the department of Justice. Instead, voters and advocacy organizations that experienced ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s Monday night, and we are in the midst of a big time snow day here in the northeast. That’s right, if you reside in a city in this vicinity then your city will be cuff city for a couple days. What better time to have a little fun ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As Ronald Reagan famously said, “Well, there you go again.” Team Brandon has just promised another $33 Billion in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. That’s $33 Billion more than they have in the checkbook. But of course their bank (otherwise known as the Federal Reserve) has a very ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Some of these fact-mangling gaffes might be called “senior moments.” At a Lockheed Martin plant in Alabama on May 3, Biden suggested we were sending missiles to Russia. “Before Russia attacked, we made sure Russia had Javelins and other weapons to strengthen their defenses so Ukraine was ready for ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The truth about the Ukraine / Russian situation is challenging to discern. There was someone that recorded crisis actors whose material covering their bodies was being blown off by the wind. They jumped up and put them back over their bodies. Then this person recorded a man, who apparently ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A section of evangelical Christians continues to enable Donald Trump’s mistaken beliefs about a stolen election. Donald Trump: whom the Washington Post counts 30,573 false or misleading claims in four years while president of the United States; will not stop lying about things, especially his losing the 2020 election. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Shopping for gifts is already difficult enough, but what about finding the best gift for a man in your life? Toss it aside. It can be challenging to find a great surprise when you are looking for gifts out of the ordinary. You can decide to go with a ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Mother’s Day is a day of collective celebration wherein we express our admiration to the mothers who transformed us into the people we are today. These mothers are in many forms, some are physically present, and others stand beside us as spirits. Whether that mother is a biological mother, ...
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