The NBA 2K21 Next-Gen: Looking Beyond Visual Polishing.

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( With a bumpy start, NBA 2K21 received mixed reviews, but with the new NBA 2K21 Next-Gen update, things seem to have started to change. The major complaints with the basketball simulator have been addressed and 2K has raised the bar for others to catch up.

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen is finally available to play and here’s everything you need to know if you are still wondering if picking this update is right or not.

What’s new in NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Version?

A lot of things that were missing from the game are now available with the next-gen update. Improved PARK Play, more balanced shooting, increased flexibility and character control, commentary teams, and affiliations, etc. are some of the new changes that NBA 2K21 Next-Gen players will experience.

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Graphics

NBA 2K series has always been ahead of other basketball simulator games in terms of visual appeal. The Next-Gen version takes visuals to a new level of realism. Watching players on the court moving and chasing the ball feels satisfying. Most of the renders are simply the best you can expect in a video game. NBA 2K Next-Gen utilizes the power of modern platforms in a true sense. With only a few exceptions including clipping (yes, it’s there) and some poorly rendered characters, everything looks fantastic.

You will probably come across screenshots and videos complaining about rendering inconsistency or visual quality. It’s true that the in-game physics and visuals aren’t perfect every time, but most of the hateful arguments are either from people who paid little attention to details or haven’t configured their system to capture the game exactly how it is. Testing the game on a 4K HDR screen with the right color balance brings out the best.

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Gameplay

Finally, 2K has paid attention to what most of us who play NBA 2K games were complaining about. With the Next-Gen version of NBA 2K21, you can feel the difference between how each player handles the ball, runs on the court, and dribbles differently. Additionally, the rebounding system has also been improved to an extent where the gameplay lets you create some of the most memorable moments. This is something that’s only possible in NBA 2K21 Next-Gen and it’s outstanding.

Another interesting improvement can be noticed in player movement. The speed of moves now feels more in control, unlike previous games where skill gaps used to disappear often regardless of the player you control. With NBA 2K21 Next-Gen, you won’t just go with the flow as these changes allow players to take control of things rather than putting them at the mercy of flawed gameplay mechanics.

But with all the good things in NBA 2K21 Next-Gen gameplay, there are some flaws that can’t go unnoticed and might affect your gameplay. Artificial intelligence, for instance, isn’t up to the mark. During team play, the AI makes unbelievable decisions which leads to unwanted results. Similarly, creating a player doesn’t seem user-friendly. There are several other issues that the developer hasn’t addressed yet.

Bottom line

Given the fact that many players criticized 2K for lacking originality and freshness in ideas, NBA 2K21 Next-Gen seems to have started changing the perception with many much-needed changes. The game isn’t perfect but the new version reflects the attention paid to the feedback 2K received from players across the world. As far as the quality improvements are concerned, changes in visuals, game modes, and other key areas of NBA 2K21 look promising after the Next-Gen update.

Now when the modern platforms are just a few months old, it’s safe to assume that games like NBA 2K21 Next-Gen will keep raising the bar and will grace our consoles with visually stunning content worth spending time and money on.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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