Should You Focus on One Muscle Group? Or Do Full Body Workout?

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( Deciding on whether to do a full-body workout or focus on one muscle group can be overwhelming. Achieving fitness goals is a long-term commitment and takes persistence and time. So it’s important to choose what would be best for you so that you can see real results after a certain period.

So let’s have a look at when you should focus on a full-body workout and when you should focus on one muscle group at a time.

There are different stages of fitness and there are different levels of exercise progression that people should know. Almost all the fitness goals go through the same progression cycle which covers base building, strength, stability, endurance, and performance. Those who are confused and thinking whether they should focus on one muscle group at a time or a full-body workout, need to remember one simple fact – one can achieve fitness goals by focusing on either type of exercise. However, it depends more on where they stand.

lifting weights - exercising

Are you a beginner?

It’s perfectly okay to allow yourself to be a beginner if you want to give yourself some time to do better, to make mistakes, and be a little messy. And for those just starting out in a gym or at home, having the flare to stay fit is fun and can lead them to their goals.

If you’re a beginner, do not look any further, choose the right exercises, and do a full-body workout. It’s the best way to build strength. Full-body workouts are the best for those looking for muscle growth. Regardless of experience, the full range of motion helps muscle growth.

Keep in mind that as a beginner, you should stick to the main compound exercises (complete list available below). Start with a higher number of repetitions per set per exercise and stick to that plan for a couple of weeks. You can gradually increase the number of sets of the volume in each set. The same goes for lifting but make sure to start light.

Here’s what your full-body workout may look like:

  • Push-ups
  • Barbell Bench Press
  • Back Squat
  • Pull-Ups
  • Lying Leg Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Face Pulls
  • Drag Curls

Also keep in mind that you can always change the order of these exercises, just make sure to be consistent. The best thing is to start with push-ups and then focus on the chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and legs.

Muscle group-focused exercises

Targeting specific muscles or muscle groups work wonderfully for people who like to build muscle mass. It is also good for those who want to build strength. A full-body workout can leave you exhausted, but on the other hand, muscle group focused exercises are less exhausting. Body part-specific workout for chest, arms, shoulders, legs, and back is the best way to build strength. However, one must be very careful about balancing this strength and not over-emphasizing one group of muscles over the other.

When you work on a single muscle group, you get the opportunity to focus on that specific part of your body and can pay close attention to what it needs to grow. A full-body workout may leave you with no time or energy to stimulate these muscle groups individually. The British Journal of Sports Medicine has published a story suggesting that adults can make significant strength even if they train once in a week. So, don’t think that by paying full attention to the lower body on leg day, you are sacrificing strength gains for other muscle groups.

Bottom line

If your goal is to build functional strength and to improve your body’s overall fitness level, doing a full-body workout with variations might work best. And if you’re planning on training one muscle group, focus on each of them on different days as mentioned above.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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