Can You Use Oral CBD Oil Topically? Your CBD Questions Answered.

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( Are you asking, “Can you use oral CBD oil topically?” Read this article to learn the answer to this CBD question and more.

By now, you’ve probably seen CBD oil popping up everywhere with the most affordable price. And it’s no wonder, considering that 14% of the American population are using or have used CBD oil.

CBD oil is usually ingested into the body by way of capsules, gummies, edibles, vaping, or tinctures. Once it’s inside the body, it works to manage pain symptoms, anxiety, and other various health ailments.

But can you use oral CBD oil topically? Is that recommended, and if so, for what? What are some of the top benefits of CBD oil when it’s applied to the skin?

If you’ve ever considered that question, or you’re curious about other ways to use CBD oil from somewhere like Blessed CBD oil, keep reading!

cbd oil 2021

What is CBD Oil?

In the cannabis plant, there are a host of compounds called cannabinoids. There are hundreds of them, but one of them is called cannabidiol, or for short, CBD. These cannabinoids may have many positive effects on the body, such as controlling pain, altering moods, and so forth.

There are two main issues that people easily become confused about when it comes to CBD oil.

The first is, is it legal? Marijuana is also in the cannabis family, however, CBD is not derived from marijuana but hemp. Because of this, CBD is legal in all 50 states, as long as it does not contain more than 0.3% of THC, which is the cannabinoid that produces that ‘high’ feeling.

The second is, will CBD get you high? No, CBD does not get you high because it does not contain THC. While there is a small amount of THC in hemp itself, it’s not enough to make a difference.

What is Topical CBD?

Topical CBD simply refers to CBD that you apply to the skin. This can happen by way of lotions, balms, or other products that are for the body, which are infused with CBD oil.

Even though it’s not ingested directly into the body, when CBD is applied to the skin, the skin absorbs it through its pores. This is perfect is you have a localized area you wish to treat with CBD oil, but do not want to take it internally.

You can use oral CBD oil in your regular creams, balms, and so forth, by applying a little into the product itself. Start with the smallest dose possible, especially if you’ve never used CBD oil before because you don’t know how your skin will react.

In some cases, topical CBD works better because it bypasses digestion and metabolization. By using topical CBD oil, this means that more of the CBD oil is used to combat the ailment you’re trying to treat.

5 Ways to Use CBD Topically

It’s important to note that CBD oil cannot cure any disease or condition, but it can provide ample relief. What are some things for which you can use CBD oil topically?

Here are five.

  1. Pain Relief

Pain stemming from chronic conditions such as arthritis make living difficult and uncomfortable. There is much stiffness and swelling in the joints and activities that were once easy may be unbearable.

CBD oil acts the relieve that stiffness and swelling to make the joints or sites of pain manageable. Because it is applied to the source of the soreness, it can be a better treatment than taking CBD orally.

  1. Acne

Acne does not happen merely to teenagers, but many adults as well. Acne is a skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin with redness, pimples, and cysts.

CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which means that it fights inflammation and the bacteria similar to that caused by acne. By applying CBD oil directly to acne, CBD oil works to reduce the oil production of oil and you may achieve clearer healthier skin.

  1. Skin Support

Acne is not the only skin woe people deal with. Lines and wrinkles appear to nearly every skin type during aging. People spend millions of dollars trying to erase the years from their face.

CBD oil can offer your skin support in the area of anti-aging because it contains antioxidants. These antioxidants go to work fighting free radicals all while continually giving the skin a supple more youthful look.

  1. Psoriasis

Psoriasis appears on your skin as dry, itches patches, but it’s an autoimmune disorder. However, these rashes are uncomfortable and inflamed and cause much pain and frustration.

CBD, because of it’s anti-inflammatory power, can combat these dry patches and calm the skin.

  1. Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin condition in which the symptoms are rashes or dry, like eczema. They can be localized, come in a variety of shapes, and are often very itchy. In most cases of dermatitis, doctors will prescribe a steroid to soothe the itch, but it comes with risks and side effects.

CBD oil works to alleviate the itching and heal the skin without the abundance of side effects that come from steroids.

Where to Find CBD Oil Topicals

Many stores line their shelves with CBD oil products, so you’ll likely find something there or you can shop online. However, make sure that it’s a reputable company that’s transparent in how they formulate their product. Not all CBD companies are created equal.

Do some research on the best CBD topical products to find out which CBD oil is best before you commit to a product, and make sure you test in small amounts on your skin first to avoid any large negative reactions.

Can You Use Oral CBD Oil Topically?

When you’re asking, “Can you use oral CBD oil topically?” the answer is usually yes. CBD is a wonderful alternative to steroids and gives your regular lotion or cream the ‘boost’ it needs to bring healthier skin.

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Staff Writer; Fred Brown