Politics; Time for Conservatives to go on offense for a change.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) A common criticism from libertarians and those further to the political right is that “conservatism” doesn’t actually conserve anything. American culture is relentlessly forced leftward. Those on the right excel at watching news, being outraged and then … doing absolutely nothing except showing up to vote every few years.

Conservatives, as a group, allow themselves to be bullied by liberals and spend their time trying to prove they are not a [racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.] instead of actually holding elected officials accountable when they win elections to roll back liberal advances. It is gutless, because all you have to do is complain.

This ridiculous overreaction to the Chinese coronavirus is an example of how the bureaucracy has gotten out of control. We now know the methodology used to come up with a prediction of 2.2 million American deaths was absurd. That horribly wrong estimate was used to cancel the Constitution, put millions of Americans on house arrest and destroy the U.S. economy. It was wrong. Terribly wrong. And chances are nobody will be held accountable for it.

We now know that a shocking amount of medicine, medical testing supplies and other critical parts of the U.S. health care infrastructure come from China! With all of this health care bureaucracy leftists and their globalist partners have set up over the past 40 years in America, their biggest accomplishment seems to have been shipping more and more of the U.S. health care supply chain overseas.

All the left and globalists ever seem to do is increase the administrative state in everything they touch. It gets more and more expensive, but less and less effective at actually doing anything to make whatever it is they’re administering any better.

We recently learned from a long-term study of Common Core that this globalist liberal initiative has essentially done to American education what the health bureaucracy did for American health care. It has massively increased the cost and administrative state of education, while actual educational achievement has plummeted. The recent study shows American students with math, science and reading scores at lower levels than any time in the past 40 years! Just as America’s globalist federal health care bureaucracy was worse than useless in stoking an unnecessary national panic, someone should be fired for the disastrous educational debacle inflicted on American schools.

But what do we expect will be the response to these disasters? We already know what globalist leaders and the bureaucrats will respond: We need more money! More administration! More programs! More time! And American education will get more expensive. Administrators will hire more administrators to develop new programs and demand more funding while actual educational achievement will continue to decline. Does anyone honestly expect a return to basics, a candid assessment of the catastrophic failures of the bureaucracy, any accountability or a truthful critique of liberal dogma such as self-esteem, diversity, global warming, anti-capitalism and other globalist propaganda that has replaced foundational instruction in math, science, reading and history? If the current bureaucrats remain in place, obviously not. We also know there will not be any honest comparison of U.S. education against the nations that are trouncing American students in these areas.

Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and other Democrats have famously said crisis situations should never be wasted. That is, they should always be exploited to advance liberal agendas. Those on the left are masters at using emergencies as cover to ram through political schemes and make massive changes for their own political benefit while people are distracted or dealing with some large problem. It is time conservatives take a similar approach and use these times of crisis to force an assessment of the left’s agenda that helped contribute to the emergency.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who have spent literally decades soaking up government paychecks and growing their bureaucracies – only to provide horrifically wrong data and advice, resulting in the de facto cancellation of the Constitution and the loss of trillions of dollars when their so-called expertise is needed most – must be held accountable. Not only should Dr. Fauci be fired, but the entire worthless American health care bureaucracy should be dismantled and rebuilt into something actually beneficial to the American people it is supposed to be serving.

Likewise, the dismal results of a decade of educational disaster wrought by leftists claiming to be all for children and improving American education should result in the immediate cancellation of Common Core and education returned to teaching basic academic skills without the virus of social justice and liberal politics.

Likewise, as bombshell after bombshell is discovered about the Obama Department of Justice using the secretive FISA court to issue secret warrants based on fake evidence to wiretap and hack the servers of the Trump presidential campaign, it is clear the national intelligence apparatus has been abused and needs to be rebuilt from scratch. The never-ending stream of stunning revelations of the political abuse of an already constitutionally questionable secret court system should result in fundamental changes, because human nature is obviously such that it cannot be trusted not to abuse that amount of power. This is why these off-the-books courts rubber stamping the wish lists of their unaccountable federal law enforcement customers was never included in our nation’s founding. That entire secret court system and everyone in federal law enforcement having anything whatsoever to do with any of the political abuse of these agencies should be fired and prosecuted as severely as possible to make it clear that such a level of abuse of power must never be permitted to happen again.

Americans must use these disastrous times in our nation’s history to demand the health care, education and federal law enforcement bureaucracies be quarantined and returned to a state of accountability benefiting the American people.

Written by Sean Harshey

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