Mental Health: Thriving During COVID-19 Pandemic.

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( Anxiety and worries about the novel Coronavirus and how it’s going to impact the world, both now and the near future, can be very overwhelming. Having to abide to the social distancing directives is making things even more challenging.

This Covid-19 pandemic is changing how many people all across the globe are living their lives. It has brought with it uncertainty, social isolation and financial pressures.

You’re probably experiencing loneliness, sadness, fear, anxiety and/or stress during this time. Additionally, mental health disorders including the likes of depression and anxiety can worsen as well because of this.

Anyway, learning a few self-care techniques can help you cope with this situation.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to ensure you stay sane during this period.

1.    Relaxing And Recharging

For starters, you have to make sure your body is getting enough sleep. Wake up and go to sleep at the same times. Also, have some alone time set aside. Even just a couple of minutes or so can help refresh your body, as well as reduce anxiety and help quiet the mind.

A lot of folks out there benefit from such things like meditation, yoga, tai chi and deep breathing. If those things won’t work for you, listen or read a book, listen to music, soak in the tub- basically do anything that’ll help you relax.

2.    Regular Physical Activity

Exercise and regular physical activity can help improve your mood as well as reduce anxiety. Find something to do that’ll require you to physically move around, such as dancing or workout applications. Find a spot that allows you to easily maintain distance from other people (as per WHO recommendations) like your backyard or a nature trail.

In addition to this, try as much as you can to maintain a well-balanced diet. Eat healthy and avoid stuffing yourself with refined sugar and junk foods.

3.    Avoid Alcohol, Tobacco And Drugs

You’re already highly prone to acquiring lung disease if you vape or smoke tobacco. Because the coronavirus affects the respiratory organs, the risk of you succumbing to it increases even more if you do what has just been mentioned. Furthermore, getting drunk to try and cope with what’s going on will not only reduce your coping skills but it’ll also help make things worse as well.

4.    Make Connections

Even though you have to distance yourself from others and stay indoors, avoid socially isolating yourself. Find time every day to make virtual connections via phone, text, email and apps such as FaceTime and the like. If you happen to be working from home, ask your colleagues how they’re coping and whether they can offer you some tips or advice. Talk to the people you’re with at home and try and enjoy virtual socializing as much as possible.

Wrapping Up

Everyone has their own unique reactions to difficult situations and it is very normal to feel both worry and stress during hard times. With that said, you can still successfully maintain good mental health and using some of the self-care strategies highlighted above will help you do just that.

Staff Writer; Ellie Carter