5 Moments in Life When You Should Be Very Afraid.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) They say you should never fear. It’s a right way of dealing with problems, but not the best. Sometimes, you need to be fearful, you should be afraid of certain things. And what are those things? In this post, we will tell you about the five moments when you should be very afraid.

When you don’t stop when you should

What’s worse than a regret? Having a good marriage is a blessing, but sometimes, people find themselves in a unique situation where they need to protect their relationships from the immediate dangers of infidelity. This is just one case scenario. Many things like this happen in life when instead of fixing problems, people choose to do things they know they will regret someday. If you’re falling into a regret trap, you should be afraid.

When you’re accustomed to ordinary lifestyle

If you think that being ordinary means earning an average income or not driving a luxury car, you’re more likely to miss the point. Everybody starts out ordinary and that’s absolutely normal. What makes being ordinary terrible is the fact that people become ordinary by choice. They choose a life that has nothing special in it. No new challenges, no goals, and no risks. Just because you always settle for less, you kill the opportunities of standing out. Being just a part of the crowd is something you should be very afraid about.

When you struggle to gain control as a parent

It starts when parents make excuses for their child’s bad behavior, whether it’s a refusal to do something they have been asked or a tantrum to get control. The moment children become verbally abusive to parents, it’s time for parents to restore positive relationships and take charge again. If you’re being bullied by your children or are being controlled by them, you should be afraid because by accepting this behaviour, you’re letting it become normal.

When you’re in love with someone who plays victim

On a normal day, a person with victim mentality would notice all the things you haven’t done for them. The worst thing is they will either bring it to your notice immediately or they will keep adding such incidents to their list and explode whenever they feel like. People with the victim mentality are a lot less forgiving. They do not want to understand and they are bitter. You may not be able to judge their next move as on the outside, they don’t show much. If you think that nobody is perfect and you can deal with the victim mentality in others, remember that you’re also imperfect and your imperfections give them something to put you down. If you’re already married then handle this situation carefully. Make them understand that the marriage isn’t just about them and none of you are entitled to anything. Equally, you both deserve the best.

When you start thinking too small

Thinking small is another way you impose limits on yourself before you even take the first step. Of course, you may not be able to buy your dream house by tomorrow, but you should give it a realistic shot. You never know what comes out of it. Always ask for what you desire, not less than that. When you think small, you train your brain to accept ‘no’ for everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, and if you can’t then you should be very afraid about how you’re programming your own brain.

Everybody wants to be better at something, but most of us focus only on the goals. It’s the journey that makes things better in life. If you’re in any of the situations described above, focus on how you ended up being in that situation, what happened, and how you can come out of it. If you can do that, you’ll never have to be afraid.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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