5 Heartbreaking Reminders from Puerto Rico.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve been tuned in to the news on the earthquakes in Puerto Rico. The entire situation is heartbreaking. It’s as though the ground won’t stop moving and that’s not their fault. The island is still trying to recover from Hurricane Maria in all areas. Families were displaced, people died, people were disregarded, and their pain was disrespected. Unfortunately, this is happening again. I wish I could say I’m surprised but I am not. The people of Puerto Rico are American citizens…yet it is not understood in this country. No, the truth is most Americans don’t care. We’ve seen super storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and many fires and when it happens Americans are expected to care. This is supposed to be the time when we show the best in our countries humanity as we care for our fellow neighbors. Only problem is they don’t include these precious people in Puerto Rico as neighbors. There are five, among many, heartbreaking reminders from Puerto Rico.

1. America as a country whose government doesn’t care about People of Color. I know some might disagree, but it’s hard to do so if you are willing to look at the situation. I think about the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and bodies floating in water did so with no regard because of who those people were not. That is a small, and that’s hard to say, compared to what’s happening in Puerto Rico. They are not white people and they are not allowed to vote so the government doesn’t see why they have to care.

2. Humanity, what is that? Regardless of what the government is NOT willing to do why don’t we the people help our neighbors? Truth is…we are all at fault because who is cutting a check? There are lots of grass roots groups pulling together to do what little they can, but where is the American financial “muscle”? There is so much talk of humanity, but it’s circumstantial. It would make one question if humanity is dead.

3. What is happening on the island doesn’t look natural at all in terms of disasters. If you are wondering about that look at the ice storms, fires and floods. Puerto Rico is a painful reminder that climate change is real. Unfortunately, we are surrounded and led by the blind…or those that would appear to be blind while citizens suffer from natural disasters as an unprecedented rate.

4. The rules of needing assistance are not the same. The president claims to be concerned about corruption, and this is supposedly what is holding up federal aid to Puerto Rico. When I saw that I laughed and cried. What state would be denied on those grounds? Think about that before you answer because the answer is not a single one. What we are seeing is the ill treatment and abandonment of American citizens because the leader of this country feels like it. We’ve seen that before.

5. Being an American citizen doesn’t mean much, in many spaces, if you are not a white American. Even the poorest white American has a life that has to be valued on some level. In order to have a better life the rest of us must unite and work together because we are all we have. No one is going to look after any POC but another POC. Within this group we have to get past our differences because Puerto Rico should matter to all of us, as we are suffering the same fate in different ways.

The earthquakes, and devastation, in Puerto Rico should be on the front page of every news outlet. However, it’s not. It should be the subject in Washington, but it’s not. Sisters, we must remember every person on the island is someone’s child. We must see them as our own and organize to help. Would they do it for you is something you might ask…honestly, I don’t know. However, I never want my humanity to be on the table for discussion in the confinements of my own conscious. People are hurting, displaced, and treated like trash…I remember when it was my people. I can’t turn a blind eye.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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