Toxic Liberal SJW Feminists Are Systemically Killing Beloved Movie Franchises.

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( Over the past several years, there has been a very disturbing & disgusting trend going on in the entertainment industry specifically regarding beloved movies franchises. And that disturbing trend is when these toxic liberal SJW feminists force and shove their political garbage into beloved movie and tv franchises which in turn really pushes people away from those franchises.

A recent example of this is when Tim Miller said several months ago that “Terminator: Dark Fate” would “scare the shit out of misogynistic and sexist men” and here I am reading this saying “How stupid can this guy be for saying such a dumb comment when he basically told the predominant male Terminator fans to basically stay home because this movie ain’t for you.” And then when the film came out, the toxic liberal SJW feminist garbage pretty much destroyed The Terminator movie franchise for good when they gender swapped a beloved male character in John Connor by killing him off within the first five minutes of the film and replaced him with a Hispanic female character named Dani Ramos that nobody at the theaters gave a damn about and what made it even worse was when Arnold was not only pushed to the side, but also gender swapped for a human/cyborg character named Grace that nobody at the theater gave a damn about either. And mainly because of the forcing of the toxic liberal feminist SJW garbage in this movie, the film bombed massively at the international box office.

Another example is Disney Star Wars. When Star Wars: The Last Jedi came out a few years ago, it caused a massive outrage amongst many Star Wars fans even more so than the controversial and polarizing prequel trilogy did. I have seen many Star Wars videos about the film and many people talked about how the toxic liberal SJW feminist garbage was forced and shoved down their throats in this movie in which all the male characters of the film were emasculated and talked down to for the sake of getting these god awful Mary Sue characters like Rey over. The biggest problem from the film was how Luke Skywalker’s character was completely assassinated, butchered, and was disgracefully killed off. Kathleen Kennedy and her liberal SJW feminist cronies at Lucasfilm have absolutely destroyed Star Wars especially with “The Last Jedi” by attacking Star Wars fans who criticized “The Last Jedi” by calling them “misogynistic, racist, sexist” manbabies who can’t stand strong SJW feminist characters like Rey when in reality it was Kathleen Kennedy and her toxic liberal feminist SJW cronies at Lucasfilm basically giving the finger to the fans with that movie. 

These toxic liberal SJW feminists are known for disgustingly shitting on movies let alone TV shows etc that they feel don’t have their political garbage in them which is why they tried to absolutely sabotage movies like “Joker” and “Rambo: Last Blood” and recently certain TV shows like “The Mandalorian”, but they failed because both of the movies didn’t have the typical toxic liberal SJW feminist garbage that you saw in Disney Star Wars and “Terminator: Dark Fate” and even tv shows like “Batwoman”

The Conclusion – I wanna be able to enjoy a movie like “Joker” without all that toxic liberal SJW feminist garbage being forced and shoved down my throat. Toxic liberal SJW feminist garbage has absolutely no place in movies, TV, and even games and I want it out.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)