(ThyBlackMan.com) Every organization is concerned with quality. Whether you work for a factory that produces chemicals, or an insurance firm, quality of services and products is always of paramount importance. Ensuring quality is met is often performed via a paper-based monitoring system. The Quality Control department is tasked with ensuring ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We have entered a new year, and the discussion about negativity is well underway. Just like getting healthy in the new year, so many people are focused on stamping out negativity. There are “no negativity in 2020” memes everywhere, but they are the same memes we saw 12 months ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So, one of the things I sought out to do in 2020 was to eat better. I try not to make resolutions but seeing others go through health issues, it’s never a bad idea to say “I need to take care of myself as well.” Last year, I made ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) They first teamed up for Bad Boys in 1995, to great box office success. There was an encore in 2003, Bad Boys II, which was distinguished by incredible stunts. Now, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence go back to the same well one more time. Is there any water left? Michael Bay ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Only in the African-American family of today in America is it the norm that every family member is doing their own thing. That is not good, not at all. It is a sign of division. It is a reflection of a lack of understanding that the family should be ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It can be hard to believe, but there are people who love what they do for a living. Often though, even loving what you do, the job can still get stale and a bit boring. So if you know you do not want to move, or if you can’t ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Eighty-six percent of Democrats consider President Donald Trump “racist,” according to a July 2019 Quinnipiac poll. By contrast, 91% of Republicans do not consider him “racist.” Perhaps more disturbing, a November 2018 online Axios poll by SurveyMonkey found that a whopping 61% of Democrats believe Republicans are “racist/bigoted/sexist.” A comparatively small ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What do the Iranian people, who have turned out in droves to protest their own government, know that many members of Congress don’t? They realize it’s their leaders who represent a grave threat to the future of their own country and world peace, not the president of the United ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Many don’t remember the deep resentment and consternation among Bernie Sanders’ supporters in 2016. I saw it with my own eyes in Philadelphia the night Mrs. Clinton formally accepted her party’s nomination. Bernie supporters were in the upper deck of the Wells Fargo Center holding “HILLARY” signs with letters ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Communist curmudgeon Bernie Sanders is having his moment, threatening to actually win some of the early primaries and maybe even the nomination. This is bad, at least for the Democrats, since the idea of a weird crusty admitted socialist as their candidate is problematic – the problem being Americans ...