(ThyBlackMan.com) As the summer approaches, some of us get more anxious about the way we look. If you plan on going to the beach, it is hard not to notice how other people look. For guys, the best indicators of how in shape a person is are his back, arms, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Would you like to know one of the reasons behind the demise of ‘Promise Keepers’ back in the nineties? Well, in my humble opinion, the organization went down the tubes when it started to try to play to the women in society. Would you like to know why more ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) If you are either black , a felon , disabled or your name is Muhammad you may feel that you have no shot at ever living the American dream. Despite Barack Obama, many of these denominations still feel that the dream is only reserved for someone named Becky or ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The numerical expression “20/20” is widely recognized as synonymous with perfect vision. And given what we have witnessed in 2019, we definitely have to face the year 2020 with eyes wide open. Four news stories this year provide insights to where we are and where we’re headed: The 1619 ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Two years ago, my wife Mary and I relocated from Florida to West Virginia to be closer to our elderly parents. We have witnessed traditional American values displayed in our tiny town of 500 which I’ve affectionately nicknamed Trump Country USA. Our two shopping options are the country store/gas ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In 2019, having a rental property can be a really great investment that can bring in some extra cash and help your family to succeed. Not everyone can afford to buy their own property and this is why there is such a demand for landlords to invest in properties ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Past generations of men would have looked at you as though you stepped off a spaceship if you told them they needed a skincare routine. Skincare was often left for the ladies, as men believed it unnecessary and time-consuming. Modern men, however, realize that skincare is for everyone and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As the world has grown closer through the internet; our shared concerns as Americans, regardless of race, have also brought us closer together. With a looming economic slow-down on the horizon, working class blacks and whites, have the same issues in common; job security, money and health care cost, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Over the Christmas holiday, Mary and I drove from West Virginia to visited her widow birth mother who lives in Baltimore. I’ll call her Ruth. Mary and I grew up in the Baltimore area. Wow! What a striking decline in our beloved hometown, once renowned as Charm City. http://bit.ly/1eHe2lK We saw ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The beginning of 2020 got off to an emotional start with the passing of longtime former NBA commissioner David Stern. Stern died at age 77 on January 1, 2020 from a brain hemorrhage. He was the NBA commissioner for 30 years, which was the longest term by an NBA ...
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