5 Ways to Move Passed Laziness.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Laziness is often spoken down on. Others rebuke laziness while those who suffer from it beat themselves up. Contrary to popular belief most people that are perceived as lazy are in fact dealing with other emotional, or physical, issues that render them incapacitated. It’s one thing to want to get up and do thing you want and need to do, but actually making yourself move can be difficult when you feel weighed down. People in your life that care want to see you active and creating wealth and happiness for yourself; sometimes they don’t understand what can make you sink into the couch or bed for days on end. Then there are those that will make it to work on time and be there for people they care about; unfortunately, the “laziness” shows itself when its time for them to do for self. They can’t seem to clean their dwelling or even tend to their hygiene on a regular basis. Yes, this can present as laziness, but often times it’s so much deeper. Things are happening inside and manifesting themselves physically. It’s important to know you can seek professional help to help you deal with areas that is causing a shutdown; these are also five ways to move through and pass the feeling of laziness.

1. Write down your necessities and make them a priority. Sometimes it is hard to remember one’s basic needs when grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, and other conditions present themselves. In that space you can’t rely on memory because your emotional space is all consuming. Taking the time to keep a physical planner may help to get you on the path to productivity. Using the phone calendar is cool, but you might find yourself having trouble to focus; I highly recommend pen and paper.

2. Rearrange your surroundings so that things are not convenient to reach. While you are dealing with your internal self you have to make practical adjustments that will force you to get up regardless of how you are feeling. If you don’t want your alarm clock to continue going off, and its on the other side of your bedroom, you have to get up to turn it off. Doing this, in principle, in other aspects of your life can help you start moving.

3. Have an accountability partner that has some knowledge of your situation. This is very important because this trusted person can remind you of why you must press forward. Because they some knowledge of the situation they can meet you where you are verses you having to explain. They may offer to take you to lunch, go with you to the nail shop, grocery shop with you, and even help you clean your place. They are holding you accountable to self-care and instead of fussing…they are in the trenches with you.

4. Remember trips to the emergency room cost money. Let’s be honest…not creating a bill for some can be a motivator. Sister you have to eat…or you are staring down the barrel of a hospital visit. You may not feel like eating…but this is about staying alive while you work through your feelings.

5. Be gentle with yourself. This might seem like an easy point, but it’s one of the main reasons we can’t get up. You aren’t perfect, and even the strong have difficulties with life challenges. Allow yourself the same grace you give others. If you have a slow moving or no moving day okay…tomorrow is a new day. Condemnation feeds the down spiral that will have you not wanting to move at all. It’s okay to have your moment.

Getting day to day tasks completed can be very difficult when you are emotionally taxed. Its important to work on communicating and making small adjustments that will help keep you moving while you heal. You are not alone, and lazy is often times a harsh word. Though it may appear to be your reality there could be various reasons as to why you are not as productive, and timely, in the things you need to get done. Everyday strive to get a little more done and allow grace for yourself.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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