10 Exercises to improve your Cross Fit.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Most workouts that we do focus on losing weight or getting lean but it rarely focus on building our muscle strength. As a fitness enthusiast we should aim at building all three simultaneously and this is the real key to be healthy and fit. Majority of fitness freaks only focus on certain part of their body and think if they have lost weight and become lean their objective is achieved which is not right. What matters the most is whether you have developed strength or not. If muscle strength is something that you are looking for than you should give these 10 exercises and then feel the difference between a normal workout and cross fit workout.

  1. Dead lift

Dead lift is simply a great exercise to work on your core muscles of your body where you train your body to withstand heavy weight. This exercise focuses movement which involves balancing your body weight while targeting muscles in the upper and lower body and help improve your grip strength.

  1. Barbell Thruster

This exercise is designed to strengthen your upper and lower body. Since you use weights in this exercise it boosts your metabolism and improves your cardiovascular strength.

  1. Pull-Ups, Push-Ups and Air Squats

You have to do these entire three exercises one after another and without taking any break. The faster you do these three exercises one after another it helps in improving your body’s overall strength.

  1. Wall Ball

In this exercise you do a squat a couple of meters away from a wall and then throw a ball to the wall, catch it standing up and then go back to the squat position. Do these exercise as quickly as it is possible for you? It looks easy but it is not as easy as it looks and at the end of the exercise your thighs will burn in pain but this is a great workout to increase your overall stamina.

  1. Man Maker

This exercise might look complicated however once you start doing it, it is not that difficult and provides great results. You may witness great results if you do this exercise 50 times in a row and this is a great workout to strengthen your muscle endurance.

  1. Overhead Kettle bell Swings

This is a full body resistance workout and your shoulders, upper body, hips, quads and back are significantly worked upon when you do exercise.

  1. Burpees and Pull Ups

Start with a higher number in this exercise where you do 10 burpees and 1 pull up and then gradually do 9 burpees and 2 pull ups and finish it up at 1 burpee and 10 pull ups. You will be left breathless after this exercise as it is a full body workout which gives immense strength to your muscles.

  1. Box Jump

As the name suggests this is an exercise where you need to jump on a box. Continuous jumping on the box builds your upper and lower body strength and tones your core muscles.

  1. Rowing

You can strengthen your muscles by rowing as fast as you can on the rowing machine. This exercise helps you burn a lot of calories and your arms, chest; shoulders are strengthened because of the movement in this workout.

  1. Squats and Sprints

Sprint for 100 meters and do five squats back to back and then take a minute rest and repeat. It is a bit difficult to do but you need to push yourself in this exercise as this wonderful workout helps to strengthen your overall body.

Staff Writer; Carla Moore