(ThyBlackMan.com) The Nintendo Switch is an impressive piece of gaming hardware. It’s not totally a handheld but it’s not totally a home console. You can take it with you and get console-quality gaming or play it home and have both that console and handheld playing experience. It’s pretty damn amazing. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday going down in November, it’s a good time to save up those ducats and invest in a Nintendo Switch. Here are five reasons to get a Nintendo Switch right now.
You Can Take It Anywhere
Yeah, you probably thought I was going to start with games or list all the games to pick up. We’ll get there but just know that one of the selling points of the Switch is that you can take it anywhere and not miss out on your gaming. That was a problem for the longest, Nintendo handhelds had particular games and the console had its own games.
You could just play these games while out and about, get home and play your other games on the TV. That’s what we’ve done for years, anyway. However, the Switch allows you to play games on either. That’s uninterrupted gameplay.
Uninterrupted gameplay is one of those ultimate goals in gaming that the industry should’ve reached for since you were taking batteries out of the remote for your Gameboy and blowing your cartridge to cool it down.
And now they’ve achieved it in this decade. Or rather, Nintendo achieve it. Technically, it was always possible if you could mirror your phone onto your television but those are mobile games. More misses than hits and more ads to buy stuff and sit through than dedicated gaming devices. So, point goes to Nintendo.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
I’m not the biggest or best fighting game player but Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is awesome. The Smash Bros. franchise is one of those I’ve enjoyed since the Nintendo 64. I tend to main Mario and Pikachu when I play and whatever character you try out—and there are many—you’ll eventually get familiar with them and might even be able to hold yourself in online competition.
That’s another thing about Super Smash Bros—there are so many characters to play with, you’ll find someone you enjoy using. Actually, you’ll find several you love to fight with and a few you’re good with. In addition, the solo modes are serviceable. Online is where the game really shines but if you’d rather go through the solo modes, it’s a good way to hone your skills.
To be honest, it’s better than training mode which is so-so.
The Witcher III Is Coming!
Huge The Witcher fan here and for this game to be coming to the Nintendo Switch, well that’s reason enough to pick one up. Some games are just ones you’ll get a console for alone. For the PlayStation 4, it was so I could play Strider and Fallout 4. In having the console long enough, I found other games I enjoy and love but Fallout 4 is my ace on that console.
The same goes for the Switch. While there are other great games on the console—and we’ll get into those as we go on—this is a game that you’ll sink hours into. Plus, it’s not a game that will hold your hand. You have to get good in it. Master the combat scheme, know when it’s best to avoid a quest, be willing to put in time to level up. It’s not a grindy game but leveling is glacial in pace.
There’s a ton of lore to discover, the quests and subquests have great, involved stories, and while it can be unforgiving, the combat is cerebral. The Witcher III is a game I didn’t expect to be on the Switch but since Skyrim is there, why not? This is definitely a game to pick up.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
On the subject of open world games, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is another that I enjoy. The combat isn’t particularly involved. You’ll spend a lot of time exploring and doing puzzles along with the combat, so there’s a mix here.
The world in Breath of the Wild is vast and filled with monsters. There’s a sense that you’re actually going on a journey since the towns are kind of spread out. Also, there is a variety of terrains and climates in Hyrule and you’ll need to be ready accordingly.
Difficulty in battle comes from varied enemies of particular kinds being stronger than others in the same family. You’ll also have to deal with weapon durability. I know I’ve been irritated more than once from a weapon I’d gotten fond of breaking after use. Fortunately, you can find many of the same weapons off enemies.
The story exists but it’s not the deepest or most involved. Actually, you’re likely to forget the particulars of the story because you’ll busy exploring and questing—basically the Skyrim-effect is in play.
Persona 5 Is Coming!
Well, Persona 5 Scramble is coming. Personally, I would’ve preferred that Switch get Persona 5 proper but I can work with this. It’s a musou game from Omega Force, so expect it to be like the many Warriors games in that you’ll be slashing your way through waves after waves of enemies.
On one hand, it’s like “Oh, another hack n’ slash from Koei” but I enjoyed the hell out of Fire Emblem Heroes and Dragon Quest Heroes. Plus, I’ve warmed up to Koei’s recent games after roughly a decade of dismissing them as being the same.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re still largely the same depending on the series but there’s a lot of fun to be had there. I expect the same out of Persona 5 Scramble which will be great on the Switch.
What are some games that would sell you on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know below.
Staff Writer; M. Swift
This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.
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