Stop Democratic Slander & Defeat Fascism.

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( It’s one thing to discuss the pros and cons of the various Democratic candidates, but yet another to engage in slander. We must stop the political slander of fellow Democrats. I’ve seen posts in liberal groups that could have been posted by “United Fascists For Trump”, and you can be assured that such groups will be posting tons of such material as imposters as the election grows closer. But if progressives follow a simple rule of thumb – never slander another progressive – we’ll be able to recognize such posts immediately, because they’ll stick out as divisive and exactly the kind of thing that we would expect Trump supporters – and Russia – to post online.

So, let’s not help the fascists by slandering our own. Stop posting material that divides the progressive coalition and focus on getting Republican fascists out of office. We should allow progressives to make up their own minds about which Democrat they want to support. That way when we come to a consensus, a third of us won’t be so upset that we’ll refuse to vote.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Joe Biden, or any of the other Democratic candidates, when you compare them to Trump.  Yes, every politician has shortcomings, but stop hanging on to their every word or gaffe to try to find fault. That’s the way they started doing Obama. Then when they found that he was too articulate for them to attack him using gaffes, they started claiming he was a Muslim, or wasn’t born in America. So when you hear such nonsense – and you will – your first thought should be, “Who has the most to gain from spreading such sl ander?”
Now, I don’t intend to imply that being accused of being a Muslim is slanderous, but in the current political environment that’s the intent of the allegation, and we’ve got to learn to live above such bigotry, it’s un-American. True Americans believe in freedom of speech, thought, and religion. The failure to understand that fact is the province of the current GOP, because they can’t survive without hatred and division to prop them up, and that’s exactly why it’s so important to get them out of office.
We have over a year before the next election. So, listen to the candidates and make up your own minds on who you want to support, and base your decision on common sense, not nonsense. In the 2008 election I didn’t agree with everything Obama said, and as President I was livid over his failure to prosecute Bush and Cheney for war crimes, but Obama turned out to be one of the greatest presidents in American history in spite of those shortcomings.
On the other hand, during the 2016 election many Democrats (including myself) were fighting one another more fiercely than we were fighting the Republicans over who was going to be the Democratic nominee, and look at what we ended up with, and what ended up happening in the end.  So, let’s not make that mistake again. We should take great pains not to get caught up in personality cults, because that causes us to dig-in and fight with one another over our respective choices.  That’s division, and division leads to defeat.
So, let us be smart this time. We should remain calm and united, come to a general consensus, and then all come together and support the nominee of choice. We claim that Trump supporters are idiots. Let’s prove it.

Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree

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