Invites to the Cookout are Not Mandatory.

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( There is a way we should treat each other, as human beings, that does not deserve accolades because it’s basic human decency. It seems that too many of us feel the need to give entrance to our community spaces, the cookout, when we encounter white people that have finally stood up to do what they should as citizens of this country and humanity. This makes me think about our children. When you are parenting there is a point whereby you have to teach you children to do what’s right because its right not because something is owed…or expected. They need to learn that dealing basic human decency doesn’t entitle them to the friendship or space of others.

This is something black people have to consider because, though there are some white people that deserve the “invite to the cookout”, many that we would give the invite don’t deserve it. The white people we give the invite should be people that have been with us, and will be with us, regardless of consequence. We need to re-evaluate our invites.

There are too many folks outside of community at the cookout, because they stood for us in a moment but aren’t vested in the long-term struggle for equality with us. This in itself is a problem. I’ve heard far too many of our people give the pass to different white folks for a tweet…only to find out later that they are a Trump supporting Republican. The problem is they will stand for you individually while supporting the establishment that is at the core of our struggle. They don’t belong at our cookout or anything else.

Furthermore, black women should know to be careful about the invite because every white woman standing next to you is not an ally. Some will stand with us for their own selfish agenda, and when we actually need them…they vote for those that would empower the establishment to treat you, and your children as less than human. The invite equates to a general acceptance into the community space of our people…how many times have these invites betrayed us. It’s bad enough there are black folks those right to the cookout has to be revoked due to them choosing to stand with those that would oppress us all.

It is important that we come together as a people and protect the spaces where we can let our hair down, enjoy each other’s company, celebrate each other, and even air issues to address one another. The keys to black community need to be guarded. Unfortunately, everyone that stand with us isn’t for us. We must make sure we are securing the presence of our own people at the cookout. Make sure the elders and children are taken care of before we begin to invite those whose societal allegiance must be questioned. This may be an unfavorable position, but we need more than social media stances that make one look good. Our struggle and people deserve more. The invite has to be reserved for those that go beyond basic human decency because our cause, and life matters to them.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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