Book Review; A Sorely Needed 10%, $25,000.00, Consumer Tax Cut is Doable; “The Fix This Time!”

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( The American economy is sluggish and has not reached take off velocity, when it comes to creating good paying jobs and economic growth. The reason for this is, we have not been feeding the right sector within our economy. The right sector, is the American consumer!

Consumers have been raked over the coals, in terms of having capital withdrawn, from them, only to have it show up on the balance sheets of the very wealthy, billionaires, and banks.

We, as a society find it relatively easy to transfer wealth to businesses and corporations through various tax and loan schemes, because we say the money is not going directly into the hands of wealthy individuals, and billionaires, but it is going to corporations and businesses and those corporations or businesses, will create good jobs and economic growth – trickle down economics.

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However, this practice has not worked, in pulling us out of the effects, of the Great Recession of 2008 and will not work, when it comes to the anticipated Recession, just over the horizon.

Corporations and businesses, as proxies for the wealthy and billionaires, received a $1.5 trillion tax cut, from Republicans and President Trump, but have not delivered on economic growth.

Obviously, we need to create a different paradigm. The consumer is the answer! The obvious question, is how do you place money directly into the hands of consumers, so he or she can create sustained growth, through spending?

The Fix This Time,” lays out a specific and detailed path of how to re-engage the consumer. At the end of the day, there must be a means, by which money can be effectively distributed to the consumer, that is logical and acceptable to policymakers. Review such a means, “The Fix This Time!”

Once the economic growth plan, as outlined in “The Fix This Time,” begins and is actually executed – it will pay for itself by producing new tax revenues for the U.S. Treasury.

Staff Writer; Roy Parker