3 Ways to Save Money This Fall.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The holidays will be here before we know it and there’s no point in going into debt, just to tell people that you love them or thought about them during the holidays.  Saving money is the hardest thing for people to do because of how they usually view themselves and money.  It took me a long time to understand the psychology behind building generational wealth.  Although I haven’t met my financial goals yet, my mindset is so different now and I appreciate that small shift in my mind, that is gaining me some coins in my bank accounts.

There are tons or apps and methods out there to help you save more money, but I highly suggest using these three practical methods that you can incorporate into your everyday lifestyle.

Bring your lunch to work daily.  Instead of spending $10-$20 per day on lunch, save that money weekly for something more meaningful or to help get you to your long-term saving goal(s).  When saving, you have to create clear goals and create a plan for how you are going to achieve those financial goals.  You can easily save $1,000 in your basic savings account if you didn’t purchase your work lunch daily for a couple of months.

Cancel all memberships that you don’t use or need. I purchased a membership account at a music store in the mall back when I was about 18 years old probably just to get a quick discount on the latest CD I was buying at the time.  Do you know that I was still paying $11.99 a month for that membership until a few days ago? …I’m almost 40 now.   I went through my bank statements and mobile app and combed through every line for one month to find out where exactly, was I was spending unnecessary money?  You guessed it, that music store, Dropbox and some other memberships that I just didn’t need.  You may have to cut down those most expensive plans and get a basic and free plan instead.

Consider carpooling to work.  Gas prices are always going up and down in the United States.  So why not buddy up with someone at work and carpool together to help save the ozone and put more money into your pockets?  Instead of being glued to your phone during rush hour, you can sip your morning coffee in the car with your work bestie.

Saving money can be a joyous experience it’s all about how you feel about doing it and the frequency that you use to achieve it.  Regardless to if you’re on the road to saving for generational wealth, to buy a new home or to buy that expensive electronic that you’ve had your eyes on for a long time, just do it, it’ll be so worth it.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

One may also connect with this sister online over at; FTSimpson.com.