Bad Case of the Ex.

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( If you have an ex that’s still lurking around you, get rid of them.  You can’t fully enjoy a new or promising relationship if you’re ex is still in the picture.  You may have to find new spots to hang out at or find a new group of friends to make sure that you don’t run into your ex again.  Cutting off communication with an ex is the best way to go when you have a bad case of an ex.

If your ex has been aggressively, harassing you then you may want to consider getting a restraining order.  Make sure you have enough supporting documents that show proof of the woman harassing you.  Supporting documents includes electronic correspondences from text, emails and even social media messages.  Technically, this is called cyberstalking if your ex is harassing you online.  Other supporting documents could photos of inappropriate behaviors or video of the most recent incidents and anything thing else that can show a pattern of destructive or inappropriate behaviors.

Talk to your current partner about what’s going on.  Don’t think that this is just your little secret because a bad ex will eventually come after your current partner if they can’t get to you sometimes.  Being upfront and honest with your current partner, even if it hurts them, is the best thing to do.  A bad ex primary goal is to sabotage your happiness that doesn’t involve them so they don’t care about your current partner’s feelings.  They will lie on you to your current partner or manipulate you to stay connected to them.

Let’s change it up a bit, maybe your ex isn’t being aggressive with you but they just haven’t moved on yet in their life and still wants to keep in touch with you as if you two are still together.  Maybe they fill that you two can still be friends even though you’re not together.  If you honestly feel like you can’t be friends then you need to again, let the ex-partner know and cut off all communications with them.  You don’t want to be misleading and confuse the situation even more.  You can’t keep adding fuel to a fire and expect the flames to go out.  Same way with dealing with a bad ex: you can’t keep open lines of communications or letting your ex know your whereabouts and expect them to disappear out of your life.

If you are experiencing the case of a bad ex men, think about your safety first.  Once you assess that, cut off all communications with them and those connected to them.  If you can’t handle this amongst the two of you and they begin harassing you, seek legal help and protection.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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