3 Ways to Support Your Woman’s Career.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I was having a talk with a woman and she mentioned to me that she was having some personal problems in her marriage because to her, her husband didn’t approve of her side hustle which she is really passionate about.  So to “keep the peace” sort of, in her house, she doesn’t do what she’s passionate about or she waits until he’s not physically in the home to pursue her goal of profiting from her passion.  I could definitely relate from a previous relationship and I wanted to share with you men, three ways that you can support your woman’s career:

Sit down and really talk to her about her ambitions.  There’s nothing like having the support from her man, to a woman.  You don’t have to talk much but allow her to feel safe, talking to you about her goals and dreams.  If you have advice, ask her is it ok to share it with her.  Some women just want their man to be a listening ear.  Today, most African American women have begun becoming entrepreneurs whether they are doing it full-time or part-time on the side of their day job.  But really take the time to sit down and talk to your wife or partner about her ambitions and her plans for her career.  Not your plans for her career.

Offer to provide your skillset or expertise to help further her career.  Let’s say you’re an expert at fiscal management.  She just started a business in addition to her full-time job and needs someone to help her manage the books.  Either you can show her support by lending a helping hand or go through your rolodex and help her find a suitable candidate that you’ve worked with in the past, that can help her in her career and business.

Be her biggest cheerleader.  Regardless if she already has a business bestie or her own bookkeeper, you should be her biggest cheerleader or her biggest fan.  She can always go get herself a new man/husband but that burning desire in her heart to go after her dreams will be there until she goes after it.  Simply showing up for her when she needs you to is an example of you cheering her on and be excited and happy for her while you’re there.  Don’t just sit in a corner and not socialize with anyone…..you could’ve stayed at home instead if you’re going to do that.

Supporting your woman’s career does not mean that you will eventually be left behind.  If you suffer from those insecurities, you need to deal with those insecurities and not put your fears onto your woman.   Women are fearless and you will look up one day and she will be gone and you will regret your decision of not supporting her career.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

One may also connect with this sister online over at; FTSimpson.com.